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Thread: Which T4?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Weingarten, Germany

    Some words about the 2.0 and the 2.5 - from a 2.8 owner.

    2.0 before '96 -> no special problems with the circuits. Even less due to the fact that there is less electronics inside - compared to a TDI from '02.

    A friend of mine has a 2.0 with over 340.000 km on it - and the previous owner forgot to fill up oil, had the same spark plugs for over 120.000 km, etc.

    They made everything right with the 2.0 in this particular T4...

    "evil look" = custommade

    2.5 "er läuft und läuft und läuft". The old beetle slogan still fits this engine. Same with the electronics till '96, after that some more gadgets, but still reliable and very less repairs.

    It is one of the most wanted gasoline engines here in germany due to the fact that there are less taxes to pay (per year) compared to the diesel engines (in germany).

    2.8 - 'nuff said.

    Some got problems with the chain, some do not. Mine does not. *knocking on wood*

    I would never buy the 2.0 due to the fact that I live in a part of germany that has some mountains. Actually living in Switzerland - with even more mountains. I drove a 2.0 from a friend, it is good for the city or small trips over the landside. But mountains, the german "Autobahn" -> 2.5 or 2.8.

    Greetings, Martin

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Users Country Flag
    I've had my '97 T4 bus for 9 troublefree years. It is a manual 2.5 and I wouldn't say it is cheap to run ,but it has been sooo reliable. Been over to the West and back, Far north coast a number of times, Flinders Ranges last Easter. Great cruising bus. Have driven the 2.0 Lts and they do go well I have to admit, but long drives? Hmm those high revs would get a bit monotonous.

    I have thought about replacing my T4 for some time but couldn't jsutify the cost of a new T5, particulary since I have had such a great run with my bus.
    However since the Federal Govt' is giving small businesses investment incentives I have now purchased a newT5. I am picking it up tommorrow,so that means I will be putting my beloved and trustworthy T4 on the market soon. We've been so many places together it will be a sad day for us when she goes to another home.
    Last edited by Tombi; 31-05-2009 at 02:42 PM.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    VW Race HQ - Sydney
    Users Country Flag

    I also believe in the 2.5 petrol 1997 onwards

    Issues specific for 2l ---> Map sensor dying , only fix is ecu replacement as Bosch stopped selling these sensors long ago .
    Cracked manifolds- I was gonna try fitting a golf 4 2l one to see if it works but never got around to it and the customer bought a T5 instead . I dont know how successful it is to weld it since it starts cracking it follows a path all across the manifold . Best to get extractors made up !

    TDI is good but expensive to maintain
    Bug_racer supports the rebellion of the euro revolution

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