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Thread: T4 2.5 gearbox interchangability

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Woomelang. Victoria.
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    T4 2.5 gearbox interchangability

    Hi, does anyone know if the bell housing pattern on a T4 2.5 petrol engine gearbox is the same as a VR5 engine Gearbox bell housing pattern. VR5 & VR6 being the same bell housing pattern would mean that the caravelle's with the VR6 engine possibly use the same box. I'M just trying to get a clearer picture as i dont have a spare t4 gearbox to size it all up. If anyones got a old or dud box i can use to trial fit it would be appreciated as i have a spare vr5 engine.
    Last edited by ocdrbug; 24-07-2015 at 03:36 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Adelaide South Australia
    I would say no. The Americans are quite often asking about converting their Eurovans troublesome autos to manual trans.
    The 2.5 petrol trans is a 02A type whereas the VR6 would need the stronger 02G. Try a search on the VW Vortex site. It has been
    spoken about many times before.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    North Beach WA

    I had a similar question when I did my manual conversion.
    The way I made the decision was to get the vin number from both cars and get VW Parts dept to compare the part number of the steel plate which is sandwiched between the engine and gearbox. If they match.....the bolt pattern is the same....if they don't match they may be different....

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