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Thread: Swann extended warranty is it really worth it for T5 Auto?

  1. #21
    IN2VWS Guest

    When you took out the insurance policy, is there any reason why you purchased the Swann policy over the VW new vehicle extended warranty?
    Was it a price consideration?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    [Quote}" They are now trying to tell me that is only the new 7 speeders are the ones that require servicing." Again more misinformation I was told by VW at the Gold Coast that VWAU have now supplied their dealers with the neccesary tooling which will allow them to service the older first series T5 autos .

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Boyne Valley
    Thread Starter
    Vw did not have an extended vw warranty at the time so the only option was an insurance company, but that is another issue. I asked for an extended warranty at the time assuming it was vw waranty, but lo and behold I found out it was not. Anyway everyone should check their own warranties. When I spoke with VW Australia they told me that VW's in Australia do not have factory warranty as such as all their warranties, new car are under written by Alliance insurance. If that is correct and It is not relevent to me as I don't have a car under warranty then people should be very very careful.

    My car should be ready some time this week. VW Australia have nothing to say at this point but I will be sending them my bill for the remaining 2100 dollars that SWANN do not want to cover. I can assure you that in some form or another I will ensure that if they do not pay the amount outstanding I will take action, whether that be leagal or advertising action.

    It is clear that they have a lot of issues with their auto transmissions, but naturally do not want to admit them as they don't want the cost.

    We shall see how VW stack up under advertising pressure.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Manly Qld

    Did VW stump up the $2100?

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