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Thread: Starting my 4motion Multivan tdi450 adventure

  1. #1

    Starting my 4motion Multivan tdi450 adventure

    Hi all,
    Have just acquired a t6 4motion tdi450 early 2017 multivan, stock at the moment but the lovely family that bought it from the factory ticked all the boxes including diff lock.

    Spent 6 months idly looking and 4 months actually hunting and read lots on here during that time, thank you to various contributors who explained things like the 4motion drive and diff lock and showed what their vans are capable of. Didn't expect we'd end up with what we have, was looking around the 2010-13 mark, but the aim is to keep it a long time and eat rice and soy sauce to fund other mods.

    Moving up into this from an 07 Forester that took us everywhere for years, and hoping to similarly prove to myself that the van is probably more capable than I am so there's little to worry about, but worrying a bit gets you home safe and with each trip you just shift your worry to more technical terrain

    At the moment just getting used to the size and the feel, don't know where my edges are, feels like going back to school because I know the foz so well. It rides like a tour coach on the highway, but some Sydney lanes were a bit hairy, needs a James Bond button to squish itself in half.

    Been many years since I've used a forum, used to enjoy the old ausubaru site with an '84 wagon and it has been great to see all the friendly ideas being exchanged in the van threads here.

    Plans: working out where to put my fridge, battery, get some solar, buy or build some cabinets onto the Multivan rails, an awning. But first some tyres for dirt crawling, maybe some steel wheels, probably a wrap job as I hate grey, a front bar, maybe suspension. Need to understand the legalities more and what is involved in an engineer cert, as most of the mods I've seen here and elsewhere aren't legal in the ACT without it, they follow the VSB14 /NCOP11 which limits the options a bit.

    So, hi, thanks to the admins/mods for the work they do, and I'll start a build thread in the next few weeks.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
    Users Country Flag
    Welcome to the forum Dave. It’s good to have you in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Sounds like a fun adventure! There are quite a few suppliers of very good quality equipment for these vans, Reimo is a good example.

    One of the best purchases I made for my Multivan camper was a flyscreen vent for the sliding window, great if you're planning to camp in hot weather around mosquitos!

  4. #4

    Thanks Transporter, good to be here. Have been reading your wheel tyre thread and doing much research.

    Thanks stickshift3000, good tip. All these suppliers sure are pricey though. I guess the flip side is that I found it funny today to see super expensive rugged off road utes with tens of thousands of work done to them, and then a kings awning on the side.. kinda like putting Kmart seat covers on a Ferrari. I like paying good money for quality products that last for ages, hard sometimes to pick that from the ripoffs. Still trying to register it at the moment, discovered today that the factory front tint hadn't accounted for the glass having some colour to it which put the combined index over the legal limit, so had to get it taken off. Super happy that tint a car helped me out with that same day.

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