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Thread: Spare Wheel Bracket Broken

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Manly NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Spare Wheel Bracket Broken

    I recently went over a gutter and knocked the spare wheel. The bracket came loose at the front and dropped the wheel on the ground.

    I removed the bolts and took the bracket and wheel off and put the in the back. On returning home I hopped end the car to put the bracket back, I now find the hooks that hold the front end of the bracket have sheered off - I took it to the dealer and they said it is part of the cross bar and not a bolt on bracket so can't be replaced. I have to get someone to weld new hooks onto the chassis.

    I tried to look under a van but cannot get a good look at it with the spare wheel in place.

    Does anyone have a photo of the hooks or diagram of it so i can get a new one made up and welded in place?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Attachment 13069

    Is this it ?

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