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Thread: Source a Radiator Hose for T4

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Radiator Hose for T4

    At my last service I was informed that my 2L petrol 1996 T4 cooling system needed attention. The top and bottom radiator hoses were soft and a flange and water pump were weeping.

    I tried VW first but was taken aback when I was quoted $950 for parts only, plus $700 to fit. Also I was told that the top radiator hose was no longer available and I would have to source a generic brand myself. As I had given them the vehicle's vin number they were able to give me the part number to search for which was VW-044 121 101L. However when googled the hose looks different and it says that it is for a 1.9L Diesel?

    After a bit of searching I contacted Tooley Imports in Hornsby who were able to supply all the parts for just over $400 delivered. Upon arrival though, the top radiator hose (their part no: 044 121 144K) was also wrong and looked the same as the one VW had quoted on. When I queried this they told me that this is the only one they had and according to the vin number should have been correct.

    This is the hose, that according to my vin number, should fit but doesn't!
    Source a Radiator Hose for T4-vw-t4-1-9-radiator-coolant-hose-jpg

    Highlighted here is the hose I need. It is very similar to the one that was sent but it doesn't have an extra 'T' coming off the main 'T' junction.

    Source a Radiator Hose for T4-img_0056[1]-jpg

    Does anybody know where I might be able to source the hose that I need?
    Last edited by Gold Coaster; 04-02-2016 at 10:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    That T looks like it goes to the electric water pump . Do you have the electric water pump ?
    Bug_racer supports the rebellion of the euro revolution

  3. #3
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    Yes, in the VW quote it is described as an additional electric water pump.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Still no luck if finding a top radiator hose!

    The strange thing is that the electric water pump that I also ordered using the part number supplied by VW (034 965 561C) looked the same but was also incorrect ..... the electrical connection was different.

    Source a Radiator Hose for T4-water-pump-jpg

    I sent the supplier a photo of what I needed and they were able to send me the correct one which had a different part number (251 965 561B) and on the box said it was for a T4 5 cyl or a Golf VR6. How does that figure?

    I did by the way also order a bottom radiator hose and a flange and both were the correct part using the part numbers supplied by VW.

    Any assistance in trying to locate the top radiator hose (pictured below) would be greatly appreciated.

    Source a Radiator Hose for T4-img_0056[1]-jpg

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton

  6. #6
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    Thanks for your help Sunny but I've talked to Just Kampers and they only carry the one that you gave a link to which unfortunately is the wrong one, even though according to VW, it should be!

    In following leads, I've tried Imparts online, Vee Dub Salvage and Auto Repairs at Mermaid Beach, Unique Auto Parts at Slacks Creek, Access Parts in Melbourne, Tooley Imports in Hornsby, Stokers VW Parts in Byron Bay (a possibility but waiting for photo match confirmation) and VWheritage online.

    VW heritage came very close and sent me the following:

    Source a Radiator Hose for T4-image001[1]-png

    It's very deceptive but the top radiator hose is actually number 19 and not number 1. They had number 1 in stock but can't get in a number 19 ..... very frustrating!

    If anyone has any other leads/suppliers that I could try then I would be most appreciative.

  7. #7
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    Just heard back from Stokers in Byron Bay and the hose they had isn't the right one either!

    I've also tried Vagcat, which I noticed mentioned on this forum, but still no luck.

    This is a photo of the top radiator hose that I need. The end of the T-piece is where the additional electric water pump attaches.

    Source a Radiator Hose for T4-top-hose-jpg

    Does anybody out there have any ideas/suggestions?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    If you are at wits end then maybe its time to get creative . You may need to buy a hose that can be modified by sleeving the hose with some stainless steel pipes and then clamps that way you may be able to custom fit one to suit your needs .

  9. #9
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    Yes, it seems like I'm chasing my tail at the moment!

    Earlier on I had tried a few radiator repairers on making up a hose for me but no one was really interested in having a go. Went back again to one who had said no before and explained that I wasn't having any joy in finding a replacement hose. He agreed that if I take the hose out and bring it in then he will have a go at making one up for me but it would take a few days, in between jobs.

    I guess this is by best/only option, besides Sunny's, which I don't feel confident enough in tackling myself.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    There may be a part number on the hose itself.

    You'll need to pull it out and give it a good clean.

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