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Thread: Single Second Row Seats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
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    Single Second Row Seats

    I have a 2012 Multivan Comfortline which has been modified to take a wheelchair lifter and has had the bench seat removed to accommodate my wife's wheelchair. I am looking for a single second row seat to fit alongside the wheelchair to increase the seating capacity to 5 plus the wheelchair. Is anybody aware of any for sale I have done all the usual searches of Gumtree and EBay. Also can you tell me if the seats from earlier models of T5 Multivans are the same as the current model.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Are you after a bucket seat from the front row or a dedicated second row seat , the front seats from both model T5's are the same except for trim colour and possible seat raising facility but the floor mounts are the same just 4 bolts holding them in place but you must use correct mounting plates and have the correct engineers certificate for insurance purposes .Not sure if thats the option you are after . Oh and welcome to the forum from a fellow Queenslander .We have been down this road as we have two children both in wheel chairs and our new T5 has been converted but we did our conversion different this time as our previous one had two bucket seats down the Rh side and the wheelchairs were then loaded one behind the other . It was apain as getting to the belts required a large degree of contortioning to get the belts located , our new one I decided to have the seats removable at the rear and put the chairs side by side . You can see the interior here New T5 Project the seats fit right at the back as I fitted the mountng plates under the floor with rivets to keep them in place , its only a matter of then bolting the seats in if required [which is rare these days ]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    Thanks for the reply.I am actually after a dedicated second row seat which will slide on the runners provided as do the ones currently in the vehicle. I have seen these advertised in the past but there don't seem to be any about at the moment (as is always the case they are available when you don't want/need them). Just thought somebody who is on the forum might have some in their garage that they hadn't got around to advertising yet. As you are probably aware they are an absolute fortune from VW as is everything.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    G'day I don't have any spares. Ours has a rear wheel chair lifter. What we intially did was move the bench seat forward to the middle and use one of captains chairs in the third row to sit along side the wheel chair. But as the wheel chair size requirement grew, I reverted to removing the bench seat altogether and installed the captain chairs back into the middle row so there is totally clear space in the third row alongside the wheel chair so it is easier to manuvre. Something to keep in mind if the wheel chair size increases.

    Regards, Scott

  5. #5
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    Thanks for the comments. As things stand with us the wheelchair my wife is in at present is as large as it is going to be, if anything the replacement which is due next week should be smaller, I can still (with a squeeze) get one of the single seats alongside the wheelchair which is good for my wife as then she doesn't feel so left out. Also I would like to be able to carry all three grandchildren in safety at the same time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hi Wardy,

    Until you locate another single seat the bench slid forward to middle row and the single seat slid back in the third row will obviously give you 6 seats spaces plus wheelchair. Will need some help from the strong neighbours with that dam heavy bench seat to lift it out, slide the single seat back, lift the bench back in and of course remove the other single seat!!

    Cheers, Scott

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
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    Pardon my ignorance but I was under the impression that all second row captains chairs for the Multivan were swivelling but I notice a pair for sale on EBay that states specifically that they don't swivel. Can anybody shed some light on this?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    All Multivan second row captains seats should swivel.



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