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Thread: Securing the rear one piece mat in my Multivan?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Securing the rear one piece mat in my Multivan?

    Hello all,
    Just wondering if anyone has the one piece mat for the rear of their Multivan? If so, are you having problems with it not sitting right? The front mats are fine as they have the fasteners to secure them, but the back one doesn't and moves around to much with the kids getting in and out- tried double sided tape with minimal success!! Suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
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    FYI- got the mat as a dealer accessory when I bought it two weeks ago- it even has two press studs at the front, but the van flooring has nothing to attach it to- was thinking I may need to go to a car upholsterer for assistance!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Sydney Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Slam01 View Post
    Hello all,
    Just wondering if anyone has the one piece mat for the rear of their Multivan? If so, are you having problems with it not sitting right? The front mats are fine as they have the fasteners to secure them, but the back one doesn't and moves around to much with the kids getting in and out- tried double sided tape with minimal success!! Suggestions?
    it should of been suppled with velcro plastic strips that run in the plastic moulding that runs along the door well it just slides under the moulding, i can do any pics as my van is out of action
    The VW Bug
    2010 Golf 2.0 103kW TDI Manual White
    2011 Multivan 2.0 132kW TDI Sliver
    2018 Multivan 2.0 TDI White

  4. #4
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    Thanks mate- can you believe my dealer obviously didn't know how to install it- he used double sided tape to hold it down, which of course didn't work!! Glad you replied as I was literally about to chuck those plastic strips out (it's bin night tonight!!)- we just put them in now and of course are doing what they ate suppose to do now!! Those push studs at the front still have me puzzled though! Thanks again- love this forum!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Sydney Australia
    no problems, they had me puzzled too
    push stud reciptical (if you have them)just screw to the plastic strip that separates the front to rear carpet. there should of been some small philips head screws you need to locate screws near center once marked pre drill as long as the screw this molding is tee section

    the bug
    The VW Bug
    2010 Golf 2.0 103kW TDI Manual White
    2011 Multivan 2.0 132kW TDI Sliver
    2018 Multivan 2.0 TDI White

  6. #6
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    Thanks- may look into that as well!! Cheers!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Another idea worth keeping in mind is a product called ruglock
    It's used in houses to stop rugs from moving around
    Thin white synthetic material with light adhesive both sides
    Put it on the back of the rug (in this case the car mat) then press it onto the floor
    More you walk on it the harder it sticks
    Can be pulled up any time leaving no adhesive
    It's good stuff!


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Another good idea!! Thanks cousins!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Hey Slamo as a Motor Trimmer by trade [now retired and found new way of earning a buck ] I can give you an idea we used to use in my shop , we would fit what are called Durable fasteners[ yanks call them snaps ] into the carpet at locations best placed to hold the best . You then fit the male clip which can be screwed into the matching spot on the floor , BIG word of caution here do not attempt to drill a hole through the floor carpet for the screw you will end up winding the pile of the carpet around the drill bit resulting in a huge chunk of carpet missing . We would use a small pointed tool to create a small hole in the pile and its backing and very carefully drill the hole making sure it did not grab the carpet . Then depending on how thick the carpet and any sound proofing underlay was , we would fit a spacer under the clip otherwise the clip will pull so far down into the carpet that the top mat will not clip and hold . Hope this helps , your local trimmer will be able to punch the clips into the carpet with a special tool and may help with the ones in the floor .Regards Howard .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
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    Thanks for that expert advise Howard. Much appreciated!


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