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Thread: Seat Covers suit T5 captain's chair

  1. #1
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    Adelaide, South Australia
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    Seat Covers suit T5 captain's chair

    Just wondering out there if anyone knows of somewhere you can get some decent seat covers to suit the captains chairs? Looked around town but to know avail

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Mallacoota, Vic.

    seat covers

    Hi Tapsy,

    Let me know if you find anything, as I wouldn't mind a set myself. This came up on 'The Brickyard' as well, and a couple of people said the factory units weren't bad (if a little dull) and not that expensive. Mine is going in for service next week, so I'll check if they're available out here.

    2007 Trakkadu

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    seat covers

    I asked VW in Coffs Harbour and they said there was nothing available through VW. So I have cheap ones from BigW and at the sides I just stretch the material down leaving it arched over the arm hinge, not ideal but a cheap solution. I then bought long toddler socks and pulled them back onto the armrests. Not a perfect match, but keeps the dirt off.

    I'll be watching in case a good product becomes available in Australia.


  4. #4
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    I tried to get Julia to cut up the sides, fold a little hem back & sew.

    I'm still waiting.

    We just bought any nice cover that would fit, then made a cut in the side to clear the armrest. It may not look fantastic, but I only want the covers to protect between car shows.

    Last edited by WEDEL.1; 14-07-2008 at 09:16 AM.

  5. #5
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    If you like canvas - Black Duck do them, as do Ruffnuts. Both are "mining grade".

    I prefer the Black Duck - great for a work vehicle, may be a little too drab for a "show" car They are pricey though...

    I am looking at getting a seat cover set from the UK. Recommended on the Brickyard and looks good judging from the photos. The vendor needs to confirm freight and then I'll be off

    Cheers, MM

    PS I'm not all that keen on the VW factory seats. A bit too slabby for my liking. I'd rather a pair of buckets out of a GTI even with the inconvenience of the high thigh bolsters.

  6. #6
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    Covers and mats

    canvas may be a bit uncomfortable, got some quotes on sheepskin they are around $600+ a set, but found a place that do custom covers with a choice of fabric at arount $180 a pair (or row), going to check that out this week, and let you know what i think.

    PS We also got some VW rubber floor mats that are great 'cause the beach has a grey carpet that would not take 5 minutes to get dirty, they cost $150 with a centre mat as well, and fit very well except they don't cover the wheel arc part.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    Canvas is definitely not uncomfortable....even in the summertime. My T4 has had Candy Canvas seat covers fitted since 2002 and they are excellent in terms of comfort and durability. These lads are at Poorooka and are great to deal with - many choices in colours too

    The Black Duck covers were fitted to a number of our work utes and they are well made, tough as and comfortable especially in summertime (even wearing shorts). Only downside perhaps is their looks which work well with white Toyota & beige interior but not exactly complimentary with Euro you'll be OK if it is a Transporter but possibly not with a Multivan.

  8. #8
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    canvas covers

    Thanks for the help Seano, rang Candy Canvas and only have T4 i think. They want an order of 10+ to do the T5, well i don't need 9 extras so still lookin.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I have front seat side airbags so how would this work with possible seat covers?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    with the dust and flies in western Victoria

    Quote Originally Posted by tapsy View Post
    Thanks for the help Seano, rang Candy Canvas and only have T4 i think. They want an order of 10+ to do the T5, well i don't need 9 extras so still lookin.
    Then I'd be looking at the Black Duck versions which range from $350 to $390 pr for the T5

    Not sure how the breakaway works for airbag fitted not sure how you'd get someone to do it.

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