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Thread: Scrivets...that dont cost an arm and a leg.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Vic & Tas
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    Scrivets...that dont cost an arm and a leg.

    I'm about to put some lining in my T6 and I've been searching for scrivets that are reasonably priced, I've had no luck! Does anyone know where I might source them from?
    2017 T6 2lt Diesel Manual
    The only person to get everything done by Friday.......was Robinson Crusoe.

  2. #2
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    I bought a stack of them on ebay for bugger all for my T4 and used some on my T5 as well.
    (I assume you are talking about those plastic push in things?)
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

  3. #3
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    Yep very similar, but the ones I'm after screw in. I've found some on ebay but they seem all to be mixed bags with only 10 of the ones I'm after - I need 35 so I'd have to buy 4 lots and then end up with 360 I don't want. I can buy 50 of the exact type I want in Melb but at over $40 for 50 they would cost more than the lining!!
    2017 T6 2lt Diesel Manual
    The only person to get everything done by Friday.......was Robinson Crusoe.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Just be aware if you are using anything thicker than the standard masonite they may not work correctly , plus if you are covering the side walls with carpet or fabric it may also stop them from working as well . I know as motor trimmer every layer of fabric reduces the ability of those clips from going in sufficiently as the insert has to force out the sides of the part to actually lock . If you are covering the side trims with fabric make sure you cut away the fabric on the back of the trim where each clip is sort of scallop the trim so it allows the side to get level with the actual body .I found a selection on Ebay here .50 x Trim Panel Lining Clips For VW Transporter T4 T5 Eurovan Grey 701867299 AU 702921761199 | eBay There are more listings with alternatives by typing in VW Transporter Trim clips in the seach field .
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 28-01-2019 at 10:05 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Vic & Tas
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    Thanks for the info Sunny43.5. A much more reasonable price! It appears it's all in the wording of the search. The lining I'll be using is 3mm MDF - by the looks of things the original lining is about 2.5mm, so lengthwise I reckon they'll be OK. However (there's always a "however") the info on the link says they are for a 9mm hole and the holes in my van are 8mm, maybe why my T6 comes up as incompatible when I enter it's details on the link, then again maybe the info hasn't been updated.
    2017 T6 2lt Diesel Manual
    The only person to get everything done by Friday.......was Robinson Crusoe.

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