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Thread: Reverse Camera

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Hi Bluefin what year is your T5 as they changed the shape on the later model theearlier ones with the square corners are easy to do . As for cabling I ran our wires along the passengers side of the hood trim the front part is easy as all you do is pull off the pillar trim and the hood trim comes away easy the door pillar trim,also unclips now from there to the rear I removed the trim clips along the pass side and laid the wires in that space . As Mikinoz said geting the wire through the rubber transfer can be tricky a good tip here is remove both ends from the body and tailgate you can then compress the grommet use liberal amount of silicone spray to help feed the wire through I have a special cable like an old speedo cable that I use at work I used this to pull the wire along the side of the hood trim as well then I used it to go through the grommett and again used the wire to pull the cable down into the open area of the tailgate . make sure you wrap the join between the cable and the pulling wire to help it slide through the various parts some insulation tape worked fine for me . The trigger wire for the head unit was picked up from the reverse light at the taillight fitting if you remove the tail light all the wires are there I included an accessory wire from the head unit to power the camera , that way its only on when the car is on as well . So what I did was run the camera wire from the head unit I also ran two more wires one is the power for the camera and the other is the trigger wire from the tail light , wrap them with tape to keep them together , hope this helps .

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    It's a late 06 model

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Mollymook, NSW
    Thread Starter
    I could be wrong, but I suspect the auto electrician that installed our new head unit may have accessed through glove box......I say this cos I noticed one of the screws had the thread stripped...and stuff shuffled in glove box???? Just a thought??

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Newcastle, NSW
    Users Country Flag
    Sunny, twin core works a treat for this type of thing. 2 cables for the hassle of feeding 1!

    The glovebox would certainly have been removed to install a radio.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Actually I also removed the top cowell above the radio as I needed to move the wires away to allow the unit to slide in properly but yes you could do the same from the glove box as well .

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