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Thread: Remote Locking issue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Remote Locking issue

    So yesterday fitted a new BCM or "convenience " module as VW call it , the original one went to lunch and as recently posted we lost tail lights and interior lights .I did manage a temporary work around to restore tail lights but wanted the new module to keep things correct . Any way my German tech place firstly copied all the codes from the old module then fitted the new one and transferred the codes back onto the new module , I did,t bother to check when I picked it up but later noticed the doors would not lock unlock via the remote keys but the central locks do work from the key in the door . I read my manual where it tells of resynchronizing the remotes if this issue occurs but I,m buggered if VW,s wording in the manual makes sense . Its says press the unlock button on the remote while standing close to the vehicle then lock the van with the key in drivers door , next it says to switch on the ignition and that's it . Ok so how do you switch on the ignition during the process if the damn door is locked ? It makes no sense as it does not outline the actual steps clearly . Now as a matter of interest was even after fitting the new module the interior lights still weren,t working , the tech found that there was no power to connection pin 66 and it was suspect of an open circuit between Fuse 17 and pin 66 . Now I,m no rocket scientist but how can a wire suddenly not work when the time before the lights were lost it was obviously working fine . So another work around was to use a jumper wire from a constant supply at the same connector on the module and connect to the wire on Pin 66 using a fuse in the wire for protection . I just don,t get why this wire suddenly stopped supplying power from the fuse box to the connector . PS in case anyone can clarify the instructions for the key it is on the bottom of page 39 in your manual .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Thread Starter
    Follow up to my own post , took the van back to the shop and they recoded the keys through the new BCM and now we have the anti car jacking code in the van so first press only unlocks drivers door and second press the rest . The old code would unlock all the doors together so this code is better for my wife at least .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Pacific Paradise QLD
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    Follow up to my own post , took the van back to the shop and they recoded the keys through the new BCM and now we have the anti car jacking code in the van so first press only unlocks drivers door and second press the rest . The old code would unlock all the doors together so this code is better for my wife at least .
    You are lucky. Have had the same problem with a Polo had to replace the BCM and all well except Central locking didnt work.

    Took it back and it took over an hour to get them paired VW software did one and had to use Rosstech to do the other. Was a weird thing apparently but I didnt ask what it was. Just he said it will be easier if they get another one LOL
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