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Thread: Regarding engine oil

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Users Country Flag

    Regarding engine oil

    I recently posted this thread in the CFCA oil issue fb page: Do we have technicians in this group that can unambiguously say:

    * The damage is caused by aluminium particles in the engine oil or by the aluminium particles in the charged air, or both ? ( engine will suffer further damage from a “damaged” egr. cooler even if the charged air is blocked off )

    * Does aluminium particles (always) cause engine damage ?

    * Is it abnormal to have (excessive) aluminium in engine oil, in any type of engine after a couple thousand miles ?

    * How much aluminium in oil is excessive ?

    * Does slightly thicker oil cause engine or turbo damage ?

    * Should different oil spec be recommended considering the difference in average temperatures in a typical Australian summer compared to a typical European winter ?

    * Do we know if the issue is driver dependant ? Only one owners can tell.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Users Country Flag
    I'd also be interested to know this,

    did you get your oil tested? and what was your aluminium ppm
    2017 VW T6 3200KG GVM LWB 132kW 7 Speed DSG (Campervan Conversion)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryn23 View Post
    I'd also be interested to know this,

    did you get your oil tested? and what was your aluminium ppm
    Unfortunately the service adviser neglected to tell technicians to keep a sample when I did service and oil consumption check !😡

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