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Thread: Refitting T4 rear Bumper

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Refitting T4 rear Bumper

    I have a 3 piece rear bumper on my 96 T4. The driver's side bumper cap has been dislodged and has come away from the retaining clip that fixes it to the bodywork with two push in plastic rivet pins.

    Refitting T4 rear Bumper-img_0002-jpg

    I removed the interior lining to expose where the plastic rivets protrude through as I was thinking that I would have to remove the retaining clip, place it back on the bumper cap then push it back on using the plastic rivets.

    Refitting T4 rear Bumper-img_0007-jpg

    The only problem is that the plastic rivets don't want to budge! Is there a secret to removing them or am I going about this refitting the wrong way?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    I think you will find they are the type that are two piece the part with the two splits down the sides actually clips through from one side of the body there would be a small flanging washer on that side . Then the two centre pieces seen in the pictures are normally either permanently attached to the bumper or are a removable clip type , you may find you can push out the centre part which will leave the clip still in the body , it looks like the pin part has broken off the bumper mount .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Thread Starter
    Thanks for your input Sunny. The funny thing is that I can't see anything broken?

    To me it looks as though the side bumper has somehow popped of the retaining clip that holds the bumper to the bodywork.

    Refitting T4 rear Bumper-img_0002a-jpg

    It appears that the groves on top and bottom of side bumper should slide onto the retaining clip but I can't see how I can do this without first removing the retaining clip from the bodywork?

    Here is another view of the retaining clip.

    Refitting T4 rear Bumper-img_0003-jpg

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Can you refit it back in place properly without force / if so then I would use some eurothane sealant like in windscreens or sikaflex put some on the two parts clean both surfaces first then push together and keep some sort of pressure on them for a few hours might work .I also might suggest that you could lever the fitting off the body as it obviously has come out of the retaining parts on the bumper but stayed attached to the body . I think you will find that the fitting has two pins as described earlier that fit and lock into the two in the body . If that works still maybe use some of the sikaflex or sealant to hold the fitting onto the bumper once you get it off and get it back in it's proper place . good Luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Users Country Flag
    Start from scratch.

    Pull it off completely, and re-fit it. The sides are designed to slot into those mounts.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I was hoping that it would just slot back in with a little gentle persuasion but I can now see that won't be happening any time soon!

    Anyway it gives me the motivation/reason to finally replace this section of the bumper which was like this when I took over ownership (and probably had a lot to do with it becoming dislodged in the first place).

    Refitting T4 rear Bumper-img_0004-jpg

    I was going to look for one at the wreckers but came across this for $35 701-807-322/B / 701807322B - Rear Bumper End Cap (Offside) Right for T4 1990–1996 :: Just Kampers Australia

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Going to make the other side look pretty shabby for the dollars maybe get one for each side , it may add some balance to the Force ha ha .

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