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Thread: Rear speakers multivan

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Gold Coast
    Users Country Flag

    Rear speakers multivan

    Hey all.
    As title suggests I'm trying to work out how to get to the rear speakers in a 2011 t5 multivan I have attached a picture.
    I have tried using my trim tools around it but didn't seem to budge. The silver trim pops off but there is nothing behind that at all. Don't want to force it off to much as to break it. Anyone know how these things come off , so you can get to the speakers.
    Cheers all

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    I think you will need to remove the whole part as a complete part , you may have to remove the seat so you can get right to the bottom of the trim as well . The fabric part of the trim will most likely be fused to the main part , we used to see this a lot as a motor trimmer . The trim is moulded and sometimes the piece with the speaker grill and cloth is a separate part which has a series of locating lugs around the edge . These go through the main part and they melt the plastic forming a cap on the back side to hold it to the main part .

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    Ok thanks for reply sunny,
    So what I'm trying to achieve is I want to splice off the 2 rear speakers to go to a audio converter for a subs in the boot. So would anyone know the route for the rear speaker cables , if they go up though roof interior or down along the floor side, any ideas?

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Doesn't your head unit have any RCA outputs ? if aftermarket it may have a dedicated Sub output like ours much cleaner sound have never liked using line converters for audio . But it does work so good luck with the job , only one thing to consider a normal sub would be using both left and right channel signals combined so using only one side may not deliver the full range . I could be wrong but from memory you would tap into a positive signal from one channel and then a negative signal from the opposite channel . Maybe try using just one channel and listen how it sounds , if you are happy then it will be okay . As for location of the wiring harness I think it runs along the roof and then down the rear pillar . The head units are very easy to remove you just lift up the top section with the sort of trays and then you will find two torx screws just over the top then just pull the facia off which surrounds the head unit , you can unplug the surround to make it easier to work . Then there are two more torx scews on each side of the head unit itself once they are out just pull it out of the dash real easy to do .

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Thanks sunny,
    The converter I have will tap into both left & right rear speakers,
    I must admit I haven't removed head unit yet but I think it's the model that doesn't have any RCA outs on it. Hence why I bought the converter.
    If I can pick up the L&R cables near the back where subs & amp is I won't need to run all the way to front.
    But if need I can run though the ceiling .

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Chelmer, Queensland
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    Does this thread offer any help? There's some info there about how to remove trim.

    T5.2 Sliding Door - Outer Handle not working

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    You will still need to run a high power cable for the sub from the battery as it requires a large gauge wire to deliver constant high amperage , along with that you will need to run a trigger wire which is required to turn the amp on and off when ever the head unit is on . Make sure you run an equal gauge wire for the earth as well for the amp and make sure it is well grounded to the body clean around the contact point with a file or sand the metal bare . With our stereo I have mounted two amps one under each of the front seats it reduces the length of power cables . Also you need to fuse the power cable right at the battery in the event of as short and trust me short one of these suckers and you would have a fire on your hands real fast .

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