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Thread: overhead screen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Burwood, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    overhead screen

    hi all

    just ordered a new multivan and vw say they do not have a factory option for the overhead screen. any suggestions on brands, suppliers, installers etc


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    There are heaps of them on Ebay I have fitted several to our own vans and some friends vans , whilst I would not try and talk you out of a well know brand just remember that the cost for those would be up to four times the price of one from Ebay here is one of the ones I used for my son,s van Erisin ES668AUD 10 4" HD Flip Down CAR Roof Mount Monitor DVD CD USB Game Player | eBay or a better alternative as they are more versatile are these .ES301MO 9 Inch Touch Screen Plug IN CAR Headrest Mount Monitor 64 BIT Game DVD | eBay We have this model in our current T5 as the factory headrest is kept and the screen has built in batteries so you can remove them and the kids can keep watching a movie or play their game .Plus there are no holes to drill and you can just undo two screws to change them to another car . I recently fitted a sunroof for a customer and he asked if I would also fit the roof mount DVD player he bought form a retail accessory store I was horrified when I saw the price for a ten inch screen model from Kenwood was $899 !!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Hi Sunny, I'm also looking at installing a flip down DVD player in my T4 and I was looking at this one D3103G 15" Screen CAR Overhead Flip Down Roof Mount DVD Player Game IR Flipdown | eBay
    I noticed though that the one that you installed in your son's van has a smaller 10.4" screen (I think I remember you posting a photo with it visible in the background but I can't find it now).
    Two questions have come to mind:
    1) Is the positioning of the unit determined by having to mount it on a cross brace?
    2) Having viewed a 10.4" screen do you a 15" screen would be a bit overbearing in the confines of a T4 or would bigger be ok?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    High Gold coaster , okay my posting was a little bit off mark as my son,s one was a15 inch I just could not find the same link for the other forum members info . I will also point out that his T4 has no seats in the rear as its use for carrying his sound gear and Moto Cross bike and camping . A 15 inch would be a bit large for a normal van with seats in the back , if my son leaves his down inevitibly someone whacks their head on it !! unloading stuff . Next the roof braces in the vans are very strong so whatever size will be okay , placement is crtical because if you place the unit too close to the row of seats behind the driver etc they will get sick probably being that close . Depending on size you could mount the unit between the braces but I would recommend removing the roof trim and attaching a couple of flat metal strips between the braces to reinforce that area where the unit is attached . The standard masonite trim is pretty good but you do need to reinforce it as the screws would easily pull out under the weight , these units come with a mounting plate its the plate which needs to be mounted to something reasonably strong .overhead screen-669-jpg

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Burwood, NSW
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    Thanks Sunny

    how easy are the roof lining and other trimmings to remove, I am pretty good working with my hands butt have always had trouble removing trims in cars?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    The roof trims in the T4 are the same as the T5's they are held in with those clips with a removable centre pin , you need to get a Torx bit or Allen key bit in a cordless drill then reverse the centre clip out and that's it . Sometimes you may need to use a thin edged screw driver to assist the centre to start coming out . Now if its a Caravelle that could be different I will let some others assist with that one as I have not had to remove from a Caravelle .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Yallambie, VIC
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    overhead screen-image-jpg

    I fitted these 9" gaming screens last week, they're also DVD and media players. We too was going to go for the drop down monitor option but all you can see in the rear view mirror was the back of the screen. My wife hated it and that was only on a 12". The kids love these, they are interlinked (only need the media in one device to play on both)

    the package:
    2 x 9" monitor headrests in grey, tan or black with zip up covers to hide them away.
    each with adjustable poles with adapters for most seats.
    A remote, gaming pad, IR headphones and games DVD with both.
    all necessary wiring

    $270 inc shipping.

    took me 1 hr 30 to fit inc shortening the steel poles due to my bendy headrest poles (T4 caravelle) and wiring it in to separate fuse system.

    id be happy to help you fit if your local

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    I also fitted these types to one of our older vans the only worry is that unless they are ADR approved in a collision they may not give the correct safety required because of the pole strength , Our new van we fitted these newer style they are removable as the attachment stays on the original headrest poles so no safety concerns , the units have battery built in as well so the kids can just take the screen unit with them to keep playing a game our watching a movie .9" IN CAR LCD Monitor Active Headrest Portable DVD Player Game HD Digital Screen | eBay overhead screen-20131114_175145-jpgoverhead screen-20131114_175601-jpg


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