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Thread: Options for a Spare wheell carrier for a MY12 T5

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Gap, Queensland

    Options for a Spare wheell carrier for a MY12 T5

    I'd like to add an (extra) spare wheel carrier to my T5 campervan.

    What are the options available in Australia folks, preferably DIY?

    I have found Formula Offroad but would like to know of any other options - OR experience with this one.



    PS I fitted an ECB bullbar with which I am very happy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    I would imagine this option the Formula one would be expensive and a bit fiddly as it requires the towbar to be fitted at the same time as the carrier is part of it and you have to release a couple of clips to swing it away . As yours is a tailgate model there would not be too many options as the weight of the wheel would be too much for the lifters to hold . What about internal mounting depending on the layout inside it could be mounted inside sort of over the rear wheel arch area just a suggestion .
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 28-12-2012 at 02:15 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Gap, Queensland
    Thread Starter
    Thanks for the comments. I'm afraid the space inside is taken up by cupboards, bed etc.

    Yep, I appreciate there is the issue of towbar+carrier and really doubt there is an option. I know I will have to swing the wheel out of the way to open the tailgate. This is a real nuisance, but possibly not more than the nuisance of having done two tyres out of range of help!

    Yes, $1782 plus freight IS rather steep! That is one of the reasons for the post.

    I wonder whether anyone has put on a more conventional towbar and added a carrier to it. I almost did this with my T3- the hardware used to carry a spare wheel on a trailer looked as though it could be adapted to fit a towbar.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    I am sure with a bit of brainstorming something could be made to fit a standard towbar . I was out MX riding with a mate a few months ago and a guy parked next to us with a fitting on the towbar and he had a whole MX motor bike on his !!!! they weigh around 120 kg


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