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Thread: Oil Level - TDi

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sydney NSW

    Oil Level - TDi

    Hi All,

    I was just re-reading the pre-purchase check report I had done before I brought my Mulitvan.
    I remembered that it was noted the oil was over-full. The oil is fresh (less than 1500km), but I need to drain some out.
    Do you think this would be a big job (I'm not all that mechanical my self)?
    Also, how much of a big deal is it? We are heading up to my in-laws (600km trip) tomorrow and it would be much easier sorting it there (father-in-law help ?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
    Users Country Flag
    How many mm over the top line on the dipstick?
    Make sure you check the oil level at least 10minutes after engine shut down, van parked on level surface. Oil should be at operating temperature when you're checking it. If it were less than 10mm overfilled I would leave it as is. Otherwise it is easy job to just extract the oil through the dipstick tube with the vacuum oil extractor, many workshops would have them.
    Remember top up only when the oil level is at the minimum mark on the dipstick, after toping up allow some time for oil to get onto the sump.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sydney NSW
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the reply. Once I actually checked it it wasn't even over full.
    The pre-purchase check was a great thing to have done. It cost me $175 but got me a further $1,250 off the price! and from that the only thing I really have to get done is the front rotors replaced.


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