Delivery confirmed for the 30th April.
12 working days after which I should be able to take possesion.
4 months total wait time for delivery.
Still waiting for a confirmed price.....
Last edited by Transporter; 23-03-2010 at 03:13 PM.
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
Delivery confirmed for the 30th April.
12 working days after which I should be able to take possesion.
4 months total wait time for delivery.
Still waiting for a confirmed price.....
At least that's stayed the same since 2007, lol.
Dealers do have retail pricing on the T5GP, iirc. Or is there something you have ordered which isn't clearly listed on spec sheets yet?
EDIT: just reread your first post and you've ordered DSG with 4motion...I thought this wasn't available until 2nd half of the year?
Hi Hoddy,
Just wondering if you've taken delivery of your T5GP and I'm sure we all would like to hear your thoughts?
Take delivery this wednesday after fitiing of accessories:
1. Tinting--> formula1 tint on sides, limo grade on rear
2. Rear protection bar and hitch
Looking forward to the first vehicle I've owned which will be brand new!
Then begins the slow conversion process--> 2 seater in back, insulation, upgrade headlights and interior lighting, upgrade speakers, false floor / bed, windsurfer racks, cupboards incl fridge and sink, water tank, solar panel, move factory second batt to drivers seat, swivel seat with "safe" on passengers side.............
Have 2 months in WA (Ningaloo/Gnaraloo) from mid-september, can't wait to scale some sand dunes with the diff locks!!