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Thread: My17 T6 Transporter 4 motion - no more Manual

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
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    My17 T6 Transporter 4 motion - no more Manual

    In the process of finally finalising my T6 My17 custom order Purchase and had to clarify with my dealer what differences there are between the 2016 model and 2017.

    In the spec sheet for the upgrades, he told me the there is no longer an Manual Option for the 4Motion...

    shame, if this is the indeed the case, manuals have there place for the 4Motion, especially when the DSG doesn't offer low range.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Any chance they added a Tdi400 4motion Crewvan .......

  3. #3
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    i didn't ask, they should be releasing a new brochure soon, as all the models being ordered now are my17.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Mallacoota, Vic.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryn23 View Post
    In the process of finally finalising my T6 My17 custom order Purchase and had to clarify with my dealer what differences there are between the 2016 model and 2017.

    In the spec sheet for the upgrades, he told me the there is no longer an Manual Option for the 4Motion...

    shame, if this is the indeed the case, manuals have there place for the 4Motion, especially when the DSG doesn't offer low range.
    Been a while since I checked, but I thought 1st in the 7 speed DSG was actually lower than in the 6 speed manual (which also doesn't offer a low range). Hopefully means they have more confidence in the DSG now, in 4wd conditions.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4wheels View Post
    Been a while since I checked, but I thought 1st in the 7 speed DSG was actually lower than in the 6 speed manual (which also doesn't offer a low range). Hopefully means they have more confidence in the DSG now, in 4wd conditions.
    Interestingly in the Amarok, because the engine sits north/south thay can use an 8speed torque converter auto and I believe it copes better with heat over a dsg in AWD applications.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    I remember that about the Amarok some years back , motoring journo's were all complaining that the Amarok would not sell big numbers in Aus because of the lack of an auto . Apparently the DSG was never going to survive in loose conditions ie sand etc . the clutches would not cope with the slippage of the wheels . Let's rename it Dumb Shaft Gears .

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    When I ordered my 4 Motion t6 back in April I got told I couldn't have anything other than a manual. Maybe the rear diff lock option was the reason for being told this. If I had the choice I actually would of opted for the auto

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