I think most are 2.5t although some have upgraded them to be able to tow heavier loads. I towed a 2t boat with ease.
Great build augie. some good ideas there.
Do you have any pics of your roof rack setup and how you mounted it..
Cheers Greg
I think most are 2.5t although some have upgraded them to be able to tow heavier loads. I towed a 2t boat with ease.
'11 Polo TDi auto, White, Sunroof
'91 Transporter syncro camper
These are what hold the rack on, its made out of 2mm stainless sheet.
and these are what tie the stainless brackets to the actual body so it is supported by alot more than just a stuck on fibreglass roof. front
The middle one bolts through the center steel roof support
Another shot of the front inner mounts. they are made from 3mm steel plate and bolted in with four 6mm bolts
Roof rack
And loaded up
Last edited by augie; 21-06-2011 at 09:23 PM.
I'll get some more shots of it bolted on but for now heres a bad one
Augie, what do you reckon it gunna weigh when you're all kitted up and on the road?
Oh, top work too.
Glad to see you removed the items before trying to fit the roof rack!
Good photos again.
Thanks for the rack picks Augie.
Many hours gone in to the build so far by the looks of things.
Don't forget to put that roller door all the way up when you've got that rack on and fully loaded.
Given me some Ideas for a rack I need to put togther.
Last edited by Splitn; 22-06-2011 at 08:49 PM.
At a very rough guess I would say 200 to 300kg's in the back and no more than 100kg on the roof.
The rack did take alot of time I'm very glad I didnt have to pay some one to build it. I can drive under that roller door with the rack on no problem but to get into that shed I have to drive through another garage which it wont fit under with the rack on so I have to put the rack on out the front of my house.