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Thread: My T5.1 Fitout and Tech - coffee machine,hot shower, batteries, lift kit, fridge etc.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016
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    My T5.1 Fitout and Tech - coffee machine,hot shower, batteries, lift kit, fridge etc.

    Hey Hey,

    So I finally sat down and listed all the components in our live in camper van (going on 15months now travelling around Australia living in the van full time) which we designed and co-built with a reputable fit out specialist on the sunshine coast. We have left no corner untouched and no space has been left unused. I am very proud of it and there is not a whole lot I would do different. Now its not going to tick everyone's boxes, but it would be very easy to replicate. I also believe you could do it a whole lot cheaper. I will explain below.

    Its a 2011 T5.1 2.0L Ex Ambulance 4motion

    The mantra for the fit out was EVERYTHING has to have a place to be put away in a compartment or drawer/box. We travel with A LOT of gear, hiking packs/tents etc. for for overnight hikes, 2 surfboards, 6 wetsuits, spearfishing gear for 2, bow and arrow, kayak, paddles, cameras, drones, compressor, 4 fishing rods, fishing tackle boxes, chairs, gym equipment, yoga mat, 2 x dumbbells, 16kg kettlebell, TRX rope, tool kit, coffee machine, hot shower, 110Litre Fridge, 2 x 120AH batteries, tables etc. etc.


    So its going to seem like i'm pushing our website but i'm not...i love this vwwatercooled community and feel like I need to contribute more. So here are the links for the rundown of our fitout.

    Overall Van

    Electrical Items

    Plumbing Items

    Costs in a spreadsheet (beware you may or may not fall off your chair, I did an approximate prior, and the final amount was double)
    Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.

    High Quality Pictures of Van and Components
    Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.

    Few honourable mentions for brands that have not failed us in the fitout.
    Outback Touring Solutions - Cheapest quotes and best quality, Brock builds 4x4 fitouts so its up to spec.

    DRIFTA kitchen (I honestly could not be bothered trying to make my own, but some people could replicate this kitchen)

    Enerdrive Products

    Dometic (just makes sense, cause warranty issues can be a pain the ass when your travelling remote, they seem to have a reputable repairer in many parts of Australia, I would imagine Engel and EveKool would be similar)

    Kmart Tyre and Auto
    You can't beat them on price for tyres, Australia wide, Tyre saver plan (We punctured 2 tyres recently and they are ordering them both to Alice Springs and replacing for FREE!!! They are $600 a pair - Pirelli - Scorpion ATR PLUS )

    So I think you could buy some of components a lot cheaper if you shop around. I also could have saved alot building the fitout myself, but I have done projects before and for me they are to time intensive and frustrating.

    Don't buy the eBay s*** please...however I do really like the look of the KickAss range of gear, (i think they have a heavy presence on eBay), I have never brought their products but he does his own videos and it seems like he stands behind his gear.

    If you have questions ask away

    My T5.1 Fitout and Tech - coffee machine,hot shower, batteries, lift kit, fridge etc.-van-photos-33-jpgMy T5.1 Fitout and Tech - coffee machine,hot shower, batteries, lift kit, fridge etc.-van-photos-6-jpgMy T5.1 Fitout and Tech - coffee machine,hot shower, batteries, lift kit, fridge etc.-van-photos-2-jpgMy T5.1 Fitout and Tech - coffee machine,hot shower, batteries, lift kit, fridge etc.-van-photos-35-jpgMy T5.1 Fitout and Tech - coffee machine,hot shower, batteries, lift kit, fridge etc.-van-photos-38-jpgMy T5.1 Fitout and Tech - coffee machine,hot shower, batteries, lift kit, fridge etc.-van-photos-1-jpgMy T5.1 Fitout and Tech - coffee machine,hot shower, batteries, lift kit, fridge etc.-van-photos-29-jpgMy T5.1 Fitout and Tech - coffee machine,hot shower, batteries, lift kit, fridge etc.-van-photos-3-jpg

  2. #2
    That's an awesome build !!
    When I built my van out 3 years ago I bought alot of stuff from Aliexpress. (solar charge controller, 2x100w flexible solar panels, push button latches for cupboards, 12v fuse box, bus bars, electrical connectors, heat shrink, 12v LED light strips and 12v switches, 12v diesel heater and much more) I've actually been really happy with the Chinese stuff. I think that if you are going the DIY route some of the Chinese stuff can save you a fortune and is no different in quality. Big ticket items like the DC2DC charger I would still get in OZ.

    I noticed on your site that you mention the flexible solar panel that you use blowing away. One tip I can suggest is to use Heavy Duty Velcro. Depending on how precious you are about the look of your roof, you can stick one side to the roof of the van (just 2 50mmx50mm strips would work for you) and one side to the solar panel. I've had this velcro holding down my 2 100w flexible solar panels which are on my roof full time for 2 years without any issue and they are one there solidly and not going anywhere (however I do use more than 2 50x100mm strips.)

    You could alternatively stick the velcro to the roof racks or whatever else you have on the roof.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    sydney, NSW
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    Well done! Im seriously tempted by that drifta kitchen

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
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    That's a lot of stuff in a little van!
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    South Yarra
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    Awesome Ben. I had a read of it last night in the blog and I’m well impressed.

    Is the diff spacer kit something Heasemans made for you or ordered in?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Cheers Markee, it was supplied in the kit, where they got it from I am unsure...i was thinking the other day about sourcing a part number and posting it on here for all the other dubbers! Might lool into doing that this week! I have all the bilstien and kingspring product numbers too!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    South Yarra
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    That would be great mate. I’m thinking I need to put the spacers in mine with my raised King Springs when I replace my worn rear shocks so those part numbers would be great.
    Also about to get a Rhino Pioneer platform rack and sun seeker awning for mine too, what is the length and width or your rack?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Great fitout saltd0g, you obviously put a lot of thought into the design!

    Just wondering though how you managed to fit a double bed in with the layout that you have ... or does it fold up somehow when not in use?
    Also do either of the front seats rotate?

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