Hi all a friend of mine just purchased a new T5 103 diesel with the DSG box , we went for a drive as I was curious about how it compared to our T5 128 triptronic . First impression was that when going down our steep long hill it did not change up with foot off gas this gave a rather noisy decent as the gear seems to hold . Down low from take off the gear changes were no where near as smooth as our T5 the first 4 gears you could feel the change noticably , once we got up around 90-100 kays it was smoother with the last few gears changing smoothly . The engine feels strong even though it was the lesser powered version at 100 kays its barley ticking past 1900 rpm stab the foot and it drops two gears and away it goes quite good . I would imagine that the 132 would be smoother as this will eventually be our choice I suppose , the only niggling thing was for the money spent why does VW just sell you a empty box with 4 wheels two seats and no sound proofing not even a rubber mat in the back . Most cars that would cost you a lot less would easily be better equiped and yes I know they would not carry what the VW can but still the price is sometimes hard to swallow . Howard