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Thread: Multivan - Tyres I can legally fit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Chelmer, Queensland
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    Multivan - Tyres I can legally fit

    I started to lose confidence in tyre retailers after the last set I bought turned out to be far less brilliant than was described. This lack has been added to as I've talked about a new set, particularly as I'm trying to get set up with rubber that handles & feels like passenger tyres. Finally, I decided to bite the bullet & find out exactly what's legal & what will get you fines, demerit points & insurance knockbacks.

    Queensland Main Roads Department pointed me here: The essence is on page 25. I cannot fit a tyre with a load rating less than is listed on the tyre placard on the driver's door surround, but I can fit a lower speed rated tyre as long as it is at least S (180 kmh) rated. The 16 inch rims on my Comfortline has a standard rubber of 215/65 R16 102H (850 kg load; 210 kmh speed).

    That means that the Continental Vanco 2, especially built for vehicles like mine is unacceptable as it only has an R (170 kph) rating, but that many agricultural units with sidewalls built like the proverbial are fine despite having tread patterns that would aquaplane in a puddle. The options are getting less. Even today, I had a tyre salesman telling me that the Conti was legal & that I had been given misinformation on tyre fitment.

    The Michelin Latitude Tour HP looks magic but costs a motza, the Pirelli Chrono & Bridgestone R210 seem a tad robust in the sidewalls & while less expensive, the Kuhmo KL51 & Hanhook Dynapro HP RA 23 are totally unknown to me.

    Has anybody any comments on my options?


  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiels3927 View Post
    ... & Hanhook Dynapro HP RA 23 are totally unknown to me.

    Has anybody any comments on my options?

    I was very happy with the Hankook Dynapro HP RA23 on my 4Motion.

    Did you notice that there are 2 threads with a lot of info, for both 16" and 17" tyres?

  3. #3
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    "The Michelin Latitude Tour HP looks magic but costs a motza": Michelins are on special at Costco atm.

    I had Dynapro HP RA23 98H on my Tiguan, then updated to Michelin Latitude Tour HP 102 H XL. RA23 are not bad, but there was an improvement with Michelins: much less freeway road noise, a little more comfortable, and slightly better steering feel.

    Overall, you do not get really top tyres in 16". If you can, upgrade to 17"s, there is a lot more of top-of-the-range passenger-oriented tyres in that size.
    Multivan MY12 TSI350 Red. Previous: 2008 Tiguan 103Tdi. 2010 Tiguan 125TSi.

  4. #4
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    Thanks, folks.

    No, I haven't tried chasing old threads much yet. My first search was a failure & I haven't got around to reading the FAQs yet.


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