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Thread: Multivan passenger Electric window broken

  1. #1

    Multivan passenger Electric window broken

    Can anybody help I was driving along and something on my door went bang sounded like someone through stock at the door and then when I went to put the electricc window down it went bang again and the window dropped down (free fall) the motor still sounds like its working but it seems like something has broken off inside.
    Can anyone help me out and tell me what need to do to fix it and can I do it myself?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    You'll have to pull the cover off the door to see exactly what's broken, but i suspect it will be your window regulator.

    How old is the van? I always replace both the motor and regulator at the same.

  3. #3

    05 multivan 3.2L v6

    Quote Originally Posted by bluefin321 View Post
    You'll have to pull the cover off the door to see exactly what's broken, but i suspect it will be your window regulator.

    How old is the van? I always replace both the motor and regulator at the same.
    Yes it's an 05 model v6 t5 so how much does it cost to replace both regulator and motor?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    I haven't had to replace on the VW as yet, but did it twice on the subaru, parts were approx $200.


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