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Thread: Multivan Light Wiring

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Users Country Flag

    Multivan Light Wiring

    Hey all

    Can anyone tell me what the wiring colours are in the over head lights?

    In the process of installing a dash cam into the Ed 35 Multivan but am a bit confused by the behaviour of the power in the roof lighting. The aim was to have the cam switched on with the ignition.

    I gather the larger brown wire is the earth and from what I have read the brown wire with red stripes is likely to be the +12v ignition switched power but it seems to come on and off at random.

    Has anyone done this before? Or am I fated to run wires up the pillar?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Pacific Paradise QLD
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    Have run al the ones I have installed right from the fuse block using an addafuse and a ciggy socket. nice and neat and removeable as if it was never there. Easy to slide in the front of the A pillar trim and the front of the headlining
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    The problem with using the interior light wires as a power source is that they shut down if left on for a period of time that's why it keeps dropping power . I would do like the other poster suggested run a power wire down to the fuse box and use an add a fuse . be careful to check that the camera actually runs off 12 volt . I purchased one at the camping show a few years back it had a cigarette lighter plug on it and I presumed it ran on 12 v . Nah not so smarty me decided to hard wire it to the fuse box and cut off the ciggy plug , got it all set up turned on the car and watched the new camera go up in smoke "bugger "the damn thing had an internal voltage regulator built into the plug which dropped the power to 6 Volts . All my new car DVD players have the camera built in so it runs off the head unit and records direct to the head units Micro SD slot , its really good as you can watch the vision on the 7 inch screen and playback as well plus you can take photos by touching the icon on the screen . No power supply is needed as the cable transferring the video images to the head unit also powers the camera as well .

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Have run al the ones I have installed right from the fuse block using an addafuse and a ciggy socket. nice and neat and removeable as if it was never there. Easy to slide in the front of the A pillar trim and the front of the headlining
    Gday Hillbilly,

    What fuse are you piggy backing?

    I got some inline 12v to 5v mini usb converters so was hoping you keep it all on the headlining and light fitting.

    Looks like I might need the extra cable which is a shame.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
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    Been testing this out over the last few days. Looks like if the overhead light switch is in the door position, the camera will behave the way I want it to. When the switch is in the off position, it is random as to when it powers up the camera.

    So problem solved I think.

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