Hi all,
It's been a while since I have posted. I hope you are all doing well.
I thought this info might be helpful should you experience the same issue.
Last week the centre front vents (2008 Multi) stopped blowing air, but all other front and rear and side vents were still working fine. A fault code related to the centre flap/servo motor was verified with my V-checker.
Despite looking high and low on the net I was unable to find any specific information about the location of the various HVAC servo motors that operate the various vents. So into the 'lions den' of removing the passenger side lower dash, glove box and tray above above the radio to see if I could locate the centre vent servo motor. No luck there figuring it was a case of removing the entire top dash to access in behind the HVAC; a job I was not prepared to take on. So I put it all back together and did further searching on the net to no avail.
I scratched my head for another 24 hours and before giving up I thought why take a look at the drivers side! I removed the lower kick pad under the steering wheel and pushed the white sound deadening material out of the way and shown a torch upwards and yippe I could see what appeared to be four blue servo motors! Hoping like hell I actually didn't have to remove any of them due to limited access to reach the top securing screws, I jiggled each connector first and would you believe it worked! All working perfectly again. The motor for the centre vent is the one furtherest to the right looking upwards.
If one was replaced (slight nightmare job), a basic Reset procedure is required with VCDS or V-Checker. Go into Measuring block 8 and then Basic Settings -04.
I did the Basic Reset anyway as well as the Output test in this measuring block (which cycles through the entire HVAC and climatronic system functions, vents etc.
Hope this is useful info. My 2008 Multi has just ticked over 100K and seems running okay except for noisey N75 moo valve which has checked out to be still working but noisey when engine switched off.
Cheers, Scott