Originally Posted by
A team
I did some investigating and found that the previous owner had lodged complaints about unusual shift patterns and other problems associated with the auto.
The car was taken to a VW service centre in Preston for a diagnostic check.
The problem is not related to the computer but internally.
I have asked the dealer to put in a request to VW to see if they can cover some if not all the repair costs even though the car is out of warranty (120,000km) which they said they would. Now they are telling me that they have to pull the auto apart and work out what is wrong with it first.
they can only give a price of between $3000 and $7000 on the repair.
They are also saying that if VW agree to pay for some it will be on a change over auto which is $13000.
I think i'm better taking the car down to A & B autos in Dandenong which is where most of the warranty stuff goes anyway.