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Thread: Multivan with Auto problems.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Strathmore VIC

    Multivan with Auto problems.

    Hi all,

    I have a 2005 Multivan V6 that has developed some serious Auto trans problems.

    My wife was driving the car at the time and said that the revs just went up whilst trying to accelerate and it felt like the car was in neutral.

    After limping the car back home it seemed ok until 4th gear then it slips.
    Made it home by manually shifting gear.

    The dash displays which gear your are in as your changing. After a few hundred metres the display changes to show only P R N D all highlighted regardless of what gear you are in. You need to turn off the car and start again.

    Not sure if it is a computer or trans problem.

    Can anyone recommend a specialist that wont rip me off in Melbourne.

    Any help would be Greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Have a read

    How many k's on the auto?
    Has gearbox ever been serviced(oil and filter change)?

    Did my oil and filter at 75K km.
    I have only noticed mine get indecisive around the 2nd/3rd/4th change
    and only probably 2 or 3 times since i bought it at 55K.Now at 105K
    04 T5

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Newcastle NSW
    I to have had similar probs with mine. There was no 1st gear it banged when down shifting and somtimes the dash display dosnt match the gearstick position.
    After trying mechanics then auto shops I went to VW as you need the right software to read the computer.
    Well guess what the local VW dealer didnt even have it a charged me $200 to tell me that it has a problem in 1st gear solenoide (I told them that when I booked it in and told them no one else has the software to read the computer)
    Ive been quoted $6000 to replace the gearbox (worst case ) but have also found I could get it swapped for a manual $3500 drive in drive out. Even with a new auto Id be worried when it will go bad so Ive sold the van and bought a manual.
    I found a really good tech article on how to service the box at home, possibley on brickyard?
    Good luck, Nik
    Last edited by vannin; 14-02-2010 at 08:48 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Sorry can't help with an auto specialist however the first thing I would do is reset the auto gearbox as per this guide posted by Transporter in this link :

    It sounds as though it's gone into "limp home mode". My gearbox did this, ironically on the way to the dealer for a change-over box as a warranty replacement. It began to flare during changes, more so 3-4 and 4-5 changes and on the drive to the dealer finally went into LHM. The dash display changed and it drove only in one forward gear. See if the reset helps.

    Resetting Transmission Control Module (TCM)

    1. Ignition ON and Engine OFF
    2. Press the accelerator to the floor till it clicks
    3. Hold the pedal for 15 seconds
    4. Release pedal gently
    5. Turn Key to OFF
    6. Start engine and drive normally

    The TCM will now re-adapt to your driving style.
    Last edited by Transporter; 14-02-2010 at 04:04 PM. Reason: Correct typing mistake

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    A & B Automotive Remanufacturing in Dandenong.

    Suggest this crowd, and this is who VW would likely use in a warranty situation. They have a very good reputation.



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Strathmore VIC
    Thread Starter

    Update on Auto problems.

    I did some investigating and found that the previous owner had lodged complaints about unusual shift patterns and other problems associated with the auto.

    The car was taken to a VW service centre in Preston for a diagnostic check.

    The problem is not related to the computer but internally.

    I have asked the dealer to put in a request to VW to see if they can cover some if not all the repair costs even though the car is out of warranty (120,000km) which they said they would. Now they are telling me that they have to pull the auto apart and work out what is wrong with it first.
    they can only give a price of between $3000 and $7000 on the repair.
    They are also saying that if VW agree to pay for some it will be on a change over auto which is $13000.

    I think i'm better taking the car down to A & B autos in Dandenong which is where most of the warranty stuff goes anyway.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by A team View Post
    I did some investigating and found that the previous owner had lodged complaints about unusual shift patterns and other problems associated with the auto.

    The car was taken to a VW service centre in Preston for a diagnostic check.

    The problem is not related to the computer but internally.

    I have asked the dealer to put in a request to VW to see if they can cover some if not all the repair costs even though the car is out of warranty (120,000km) which they said they would. Now they are telling me that they have to pull the auto apart and work out what is wrong with it first.
    they can only give a price of between $3000 and $7000 on the repair.
    They are also saying that if VW agree to pay for some it will be on a change over auto which is $13000.

    I think i'm better taking the car down to A & B autos in Dandenong which is where most of the warranty stuff goes anyway.
    A & B is probably your best bet whether VW pick up some of the tab or not.

    I will interested in what they find.

    Best of luck.



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