I thought i would write in my experience with the door as there is so much varying info to get a deadlocked door open.
Front passenger door locked shut. Pulling the inside handle was lifting the lock indicator but not unlocking the door. Pressing the unlock on the key would produce a slight buzzing noise from the mechanism but nothing else. Same for unlock button from drivers side.All searches came up with different suggestions.
1. corroded wiring under seat. mine was spotless and i cut and re spliced it just in case. No change
2. remove rubber grommet from back of door and remove lock blank and bash on CL mechanism whilst pressing button to unlock. no luck
3. bash on door while pressing unlock button. no joy.
4. disconnect battery for 15min.
5. re-sync keys to car.
The cables connecting the handles were still good and i could see them moving the levers inside.
Everything else i tried also came up fruitless.
Passenger seat and base had to be removed. I made sure i always disconnected the battery before disconnecting any airbag stuff so as not to throw up a faults code.
So with violence i pulled out the step from under the door. This took a lot of swearing and manipulation using bits of wood and massive screwdrivers etc but it eventually came out buy shearing one or two of the small white pins that holds it in.
Then the inner door card screws underneath could be accessed and removed. Then i had to use a lot of force to get the door card off as there is a 25mm diam plastic locating pin on the multis that is exactly behind where the dash console covers the closed door so it cant be simply lifted up to free it, hence I cracked the door card to get it out. Again it took alot of force.
Then i could remove the inner steel doorcard to access the lock. At this stage ide had enough and smashed open the lock from inside to unlock the deadlock. Even this took a lot of force. Sounds brutal but that is what i had to do to get it open. Once the lock was pried apart there is a green lever hinged at the bottom that needs to be levered forward and the lock plunger can then be pulled down inside to release the dead lock and the door then opened with the handle from the outside.
It was a major headache to the point i think i will open the new lock and file off the catch tang on the green lever to prevent it ever happening again.
Been there done that but not with as much brutality , I managed to get the door trim off from the top without removing the step . With the top corner out of the way I managed to get to the lock unlocked and manipulate it while pressing the remote .