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Thread: Multivan 2006 does not rev over 1500rpm

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2019
    Engadine NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Unhappy Multivan 2006 does not rev over 1500rpm

    Hi,this is my first thread ever. I am devastated. I purchased a Multivan 2006, turbo diesel 2.5lt with only 110000 km on the clock thinking there should not be much wrong with this low milage. What a mistake. the next morning i drove 100 meters from home up a steep hill and the car went into limp mode. I turned it of and started again and drove 30km to a shop and 30km back and the car ran ok. the next day i noticed that the engine was a bit oily at the front left hand side. I decided to clean it with degreaser and hosed it down with water. ( like I have done with all my cars over the last 50 years and never had any problems with starting afterwards.) But now I have a big problem. 3 days later, everything is dry, the car starts right away but when i press the accelerator it only revs up to 1500 rpm and then shows the blinking coil warning light and of course has no power. I have the car booked in next week but i cannot even drive there. I have read nearly everything about limp mode and the cause of it but it makes no sense to me why the car does not run after wash down of part of the engine. Would anybody have an idea how i could get it running again so i could drive to the workshop?
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Not sure if this wouldhelp but maybe disconnect the battery and allow the ECU to reset itself , when you say left hand side is that looking from front or from drivers perspective .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Users Country Flag
    Find a vw specialist and get vcds scan done to find fault. If you gonna keep the car buy a cable and diy.
    Last edited by Kombi; 12-05-2019 at 10:46 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2019
    Engadine NSW
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Thanks Kombi and Sunny, left hand side is from drivers perspective and i disconnected the battery at the time but it did not help.
    the car is now in the specialist workshop and gets a new accelerator pedal.($250.00 from VW plus labour) hope that works. a vcds
    is already on order and should arrive soon, for the next problems.

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