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Thread: Motorbike in Multivan??

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Users Country Flag

    Think very carefully before putting bikes in the back without a proper cargo barrier. If you're in a head on, your bike will join you in the front seats ! 100k bike will rip out the tie down hooks very quickly in a head on. I transport my mx bikes a lot and always use a trailer.
    I have a KTM 690 Duke R also by the way ! Run a 15 tooth front sprocket and taller KTM seat and you have the perfect bike.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Nth Queensland
    Users Country Flag
    G'day Tee.
    Yeah, pretty intimately aware of that issue, same for anything in the back of the van. It's just not functional for my use to fit the barrier, so I put my faith in everyone else on the road not doing the wrong thing. (Yeah right!)
    Ride safe on the KTM mate!

    2007 T5 Van LWB 2.5 Manual remapped (White)
    2013 Amarok Highline Auto (Natural Grey)

    Nth QLD

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Have to agree with TEEFIVEDUDE In my previous business we used to fit cargo barriers and the one thing that always was important was the load should be placed against the barrier as forward movement would exceed the barriers limits in a collision , as a matter of interest in a 60kmh collision any loose items will be thrown forward and increase their weight by 20 times so 1 kilo at sixty kays becomes 20 kilos . I also used to do seat and seat belt testing for Transport approval so we became very aware of the standards . When we built seat for vans etc we destroyed thousands of dollars in testing procedures until we got the design right .

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