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Thread: Manual Gearbox removal 2.0 lt T5

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Manual Gearbox removal 2.0 lt T5

    Hi guys a question for the all knowlegable types out there , has any one removed the manual gearbox from a 2.0lt petrol T5 2005 model if so rough idea of how long to R&R approx . I have decided that the clutch has reached the end of its long suffering life and needs replacing post haste . Are there any special tools required and is it a B of a thing to remove , I am quite handy as have done a whole two car engine transplant on the sons 97 T4 last year his was diesel and now petrol . Any suggestions or hints would be appreciated Howard .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
    Users Country Flag
    It's 4.6hours remove/install and replace clutch.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Users Country Flag
    Pull the subframe out.

    You'll need to support the gearbox end of the engine, though.

    Once you get the subframe out, the rest is surprisingly simple.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Thread Starter
    Thanks guys I plan to do it on the weekend as I,m off Moto Cross riding tommorow and be home Saturday . the throw out bearing started screaming today so just as well I picked up the parts this am . Will give an update when finished .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Thread Starter

    Okay job done not 4 . 6 hours please remember I am not a mechanic around 8.5 hours I do have lots of tools I did not have enough trolley jacks and supports etc ! . Whilst I did not totally remove the support frame just lowered it around the ds front and both pass side then let it tilt down . Support under motor worked fine pulled box out to the side and left it rest on frame . Clutch was apiece of cake [ wife was curious why the garden rake handle is now 6 inches shorter , hmmmm . Now the throwout bearing was absolutley shot the facing side of the bearing was gone !!!!! bearings were 5 minutes from total sieze { no wonder it was screaming on Thursday } Reassembled and no left over bolts joy oh joy .
    Only hitch no big deal got brake pad sensor wire trapped and broke off , will fix later when brake pads redone , possible power steering leak found at point where two pipes go into side of steering column now there was a slight damp patch on engine plastic cowel when removed but not sure if it was like that before I started as at one point while trying to refit the box I got the rear engine mount caught on one of the pipes and it may have bent it slightly down again can be sorted later . Test drive unreal had forgotten what a normal clutch felt like as the pedal now goes to the floor with out feeling rock hard near floor plus it engages smoothly from just above floor so nice . Would I do it again HMMMMMMM no I dont think I will have the van by the time it needs redoing . I have always loved working on my own cars as I grew up around my Uncle who was a mechanic and I used to help with my dad doing stuff from around 10 years of age . Now I am 60 the old back can only take so much punishment [ and it didn,t help that I spent Friday and Saturday riding my Honda CRF 250 at Wyaralong MX park 25 km enduro trail rides and lots of action on the Moto Cross tracks ] Thanks again for the hints Umai Naa it made a world of difference . Howard

    ---------- Post added 21-05-2012 at 06:29 PM ---------- Previous post was 20-05-2012 at 10:34 PM ----------

    Just an add on to this post today the engine starts to play up coincidental I am not sure ? idles perfectly accelerate perfectly but when coasting it hunts up and down giving a kangaroo hopping effect at low speeds . Now the engine light has come on any one with an idea ? Regards Howard


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