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Thread: Leaking rear schock absorber

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Wynnum, QLD

    Leaking rear schock absorber

    Hi all

    Known for a couple of years now that I've got a leaking rear shock. I'm looking at replacement pair now for the rear, however good mechanics - not dealers, priced as around $700-800. I would think that aftermarket would be around $200 odd plus fitting for a pair. Anyone replaced shocks out there?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Easy as pie jack up the rear remove wheel then support lower control arm unbolt and then refit new one easypease . Not sure about prices as the two times I have done it one was with a Bilstein Coil over kit with shocks into our new T5.1 and then I transplanted the originals into my work van as they were only 4 months old at the time .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Wynnum, QLD
    Thread Starter
    Thanks Sunny, I'm a bit behind the eight ball then as I don't even know what a control arm is! But I'm sure YouTube will show me! However, what's a coilover I've been reading about?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Okay the lower control arm is the part that the rear hub / axle assembly is mounted onto . it can swing up and down with the spring mounted on the top side . Coil overs are sports style suspension system to replace the originals . Most use them for a lower stance and slightly stiffer suspension travel . We used a Bilstein set up in ours as we wanted the van 40 mm lower to make it easier to wheel our two kids in their wheel chairs into the van .This the shockies only kit front and rear VW T5 Bilstein B4 Front and Rear Gas Shock Absorber Kit Standard Length T26 T28 T30 Then there is the full kit with springs etc This is the set we purchased Bilstein Volkswagen Transporter T5 (7HB,7HJ,7EB,7EJ) Bus 2.0 B14 Coilover Suspension Kit (47-196704) Transporter T5 T26 T28 T30

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