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Thread: Kombi Beach Trip

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Kombi Beach Trip

    We just returned from a three week tour of central Queensland in the beach. It returned 8.6L/100k with a full load of gear over 5400 trouble free km.

    Here is a link to some photos, some showing the kombi in use and the places we took it:

    Click on the slideshow button.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Adelaide, South Australia
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    kombi trip

    hey brianj, excellent pics, i bet you had a ball, australia has so much to see sounds like the kombi went like a dream, did you find any improvements to your setup? we are getting 240v input in a few weeks with a 15amp battery charger, then i will have the fridge hooked up on 12v all the time. not looking forward to pulling off the panels though. I now have the fridge installed like yours, looks like i have it set back about 150mm from the edge of the cupboard than yours (i thought we could rest our glasses or cups there when getting a drink i had it back further but could not open the lid that far so i had to do it again to bring it forward. I bet you are planning your next trip

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Now Adelaide!!!
    Very nice pictures BrianJ.

    Looks like you had a nice trip?

    Can not wait to get out to OZ and have a look round.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrianJ View Post
    We just returned from a three week tour of central Queensland in the beach. It returned 8.6L/100k with a full load of gear over 5400 trouble free km.

    Here is a link to some photos, some showing the kombi in use and the places we took it:

    Click on the slideshow button.

    Not bad fuel consumption.
    Very nice pictures. What camera did you use if you don't mind me asking?

  5. #5
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    I only use small portable cameras, and have 2 Ricoh R4s (one as a backup) which I carry in a belt bag. I really like the results I get with the R4 with its 28-200mm lens.


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrianJ View Post
    I only use small portable cameras, and have 2 Ricoh R4s (one as a backup) which I carry in a belt bag. I really like the results I get with the R4 with its 28-200mm lens.

    I was guesing that the pictures were taken with Ricoh cameara. And when I checked file extension in Picassa I was almost certain that it was R3 or R4.

    I use R4 for 2 years now as my go everywhere camera and GR Digital for bit better pictures in safe enviroments. I like R4 and GRD for their small full press shutter lug and the great features.

    Brian what brand of fridge did you buy for your Combi Beach?
    I'd like to buy small fridge but can't make decision which one.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
    I had a poke around your folder the other night, some nice pics you have there. Looks like a nice trips.

    I've been outback a couple times, and this has really made me miss it!

    i like volkswagens
    My blog:

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRL T5 View Post
    I was guesing that the pictures were taken with Ricoh cameara. And when I checked file extension in Picassa I was almost certain that it was R3 or R4.

    I use R4 for 2 years now as my go everywhere camera and GR Digital for bit better pictures in safe enviroments. I like R4 and GRD for their small full press shutter lug and the great features.

    Brian what brand of fridge did you buy for your Combi Beach?
    I'd like to buy small fridge but can't make decision which one.

    I love the R4, I'm suprised you know something about the Ricohs as they don't have very big sales here. I also go under the name of brianj on in the ricoh forum, you can find a group who think just like you there if you havn't already found it.

    I have attached the Engel 32L to the top of the wood cabinet. As I have discussed with Tapsy in the other beach availability thread, there are many restricting factors which linit where you can fix a fridge in the cabin. Any larger model and the door hits the side of the car when lifted, and if you put it on the floor behind the drivers seat the metal drawer cannot open.



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