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Thread: Kombi beach . . . . Cactus

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Unhappy Kombi beach . . . . Cactus

    G'day groovers,
    Yesterday I took my yellow '08 Kombi Beach 2.5TDI (auto), to get a new exhaust manifold etc fitted. After 293k it had warped and done the broken stud "thing" so all studs get replaced ($4,700 + for any studs that need the 'easy-out').

    I've owned it since new. We had already decided to keep the vehicle as it's in excellent condition otherwise, and is just such a brilliant thing for our lifestyle and to drive. Two separate mechanics had said it was the best kept T5 they had seen. Straight body, unmarked trim and paint, clean engine, golden oil. So along with some EGR work and a couple of sensors I was willing to drop $6 to $7 grand on it.

    Two hours after it landed at the shop I got a call to tell me that it had 'done the lifters and cam thing'. That is, the lifters had failed and worn out the camshaft lobes. A $7 to $8 grand fix. I had heard about that happening too, but .... what can ya' say, except: Goodbye Beach.

    I won't be putting another engine in it. I can't afford that and the future value is just not there. Trouble is . . . . and this really is just a rhetorical question .... What do I do with it??

    Wreckers?..... $750 to $1000 !! I just can not see myself doing that.
    Wreck it myself, sell parts? ..... not on your life mate!
    Sell to a home mechanic who's willing to repair or fit new engine? ..... Show me one!?

    The above are not meant to be exhaustive options. Just a bit of thinking out loud really. (although the shock is wearing off).

    Anyway, notwithstanding our differing preferences and financial situations, I'd be interested to know what you would do if this happened to you and your VW.
    Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    We own a brilliant 2006 beach just like you and we dread finding ourselves in your position. We realize that any tick of the clock something could happen that pushes the limits of financial capability. So far we had the dreaded $3000 exhaust manifold replacement and $2400 gearbox valve body recondition, and at this moment in time it runs just the same as the day we bought it.

    We priced new campervans at a recent RV show and anything that does the same job costs around $100,000, so we figure that is the real value of our van, not the $10,000 that the market value says it is worth. That means that you can spend a lot on it and still be way ahead, so I wouldn't hesitate to spend $10,000 to fix something that goes wrong.

    All of our costs didn't come at the same time, so it didn't seem as bad. The problem with these vans is that because they have such a low market value, and body damage can cause them to be a insurance write off, but we are trying to keep ours going as long as possible, and that includes mechanical repairs. I think the question you must answer is what will dumping it and getting a new van that will do the same job cost, it might show that repairing it is actually worth it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    similar thing.
    Auto gearbox 9K rebuild on my low K 2004. This was 6 years ago, and be lucky if the van was worth that much.
    I just sucked it up because buying another was a hassle and further expense i didnt need.
    Plus i have double sliding doors which is a necessity for me, and rarish in a VW panel van
    04 T5

  4. #4
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    Yeah, a couple of good points there Brian, thanks.

    I would probably max out at $10k on cumulative repairs but this little episode, all up, will probably run into $16k plus. And I'm afraid that's a camshaft too far for this little yellow duck/Beach.

    Hey I think I met you once at a free-camp, south of Ravenshoe in Qld a few years ago. I'd just been up to the Cape on my motorbike (BMW GS800) and while speaking with you and your wife I mentioned I had a Beach.
    Of course you weren't interested at all . . . . . like hell you weren't. We yarned for over an hour and you gave me a guided tour of your van.
    We'd obviously had all the same "fun and games" with our respective rides, and amazingly, we'd modified or fixed the quirks using much the same methods.

    Well it's a bit for sad for me and my wife, but 16 years wasn't a bad run with this one I suppose. (the Kombi, not the wife!) . . . . even though I'd hoped it would be a lifelong keeper.

    Lucky I've got the Caddy on standby!

    Thanks again for the reply, Rob.

  5. #5
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    G'day Rebuild,
    Yes we all have our reasons don't we, and many of our Non-V-Dub owning mates can't fathom how far we can stretch those reasons!

    Also that potential auto transmission failure was pointed out to me as a "decision helper" by the VW mechanic a few days ago when I got the other bad news.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by newcman View Post
    Yeah, a couple of good points there Brian, thanks.

    I would probably max out at $10k on cumulative repairs but this little episode, all up, will probably run into $16k plus. And I'm afraid that's a camshaft too far for this little yellow duck/Beach.

    Hey I think I met you once at a free-camp, south of Ravenshoe in Qld a few years ago. I'd just been up to the Cape on my motorbike (BMW GS800) and while speaking with you and your wife I mentioned I had a Beach.
    Of course you weren't interested at all . . . . . like hell you weren't. We yarned for over an hour and you gave me a guided tour of your van.
    We'd obviously had all the same "fun and games" with our respective rides, and amazingly, we'd modified or fixed the quirks using much the same methods.

    Well it's a bit for sad for me and my wife, but 16 years wasn't a bad run with this one I suppose. (the Kombi, not the wife!) . . . . even though I'd hoped it would be a lifelong keeper.

    Lucky I've got the Caddy on standby!

    Thanks again for the reply, Rob.
    I vaguely recall that encounter, I think we were either going or coming back from the cape. We always wanted a yellow beach like yours and call it 'BigBird' LOl, but that never happened. Its really sad that yours has bitten the dust, I guess we will all reach that point some day.

    Ours recently busted the high pressure fuel hose from the pump to the injectors and it was still running but I noticed the whole back window had suddenly become unclear, so i pulled over and discovered that the entire underside was soaked in diesel and I has lost about a quarter of a tank. That was repaired for a measly $500, so it lived another day after that one.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    Can't you just replace the complete head? AMC does one that you should be able to land for less than four grand. Heritage Parts Centre in the UK has one priced at a little over 3 grand but Tooley Imports in Sydney usually gets close to HPC's landed price.

    I know it's still expensive but where are you going get another van for that sort of coin?

  8. #8
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    The mechanic has done a few of these 2.5 TDI cam jobs but the new head option wasn't broached.
    It sounds feasible to me but I'll ask him today when I go in to bring the vehicle back home.

    Thanks for the idea Seano.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Adelaide South Australia
    Just wondering what mileage is on your van, and has the special oil always been used. Although I have a T4, I have a Mk5 golf with pd injectors & transporter once said to me that camshaft should last as long as the correct oil is used & changed regularly.
    I was talking to my parts manager probably 2 years or more ago about Amarok cyl heads & he said that VW does factory changeover
    Heads for around $4000. Now that is the 4cyl. but they may do your motor, worth a try.
    Understand how it works, troubleshoot logically BEFORE replacing parts.
    2001 T4 TRAKKA Syncro 2.5TDI,2006 Mk5 2.0TDI Golf manual,2001 Polo 1.4 16V manual [now sold], '09 2.0CR TDI Tiguan manual,
    Numerous Mk1 Golf diesels

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    To Jets,
    My Kombi (293,000km), has been serviced meticulously from new by VW savvy mechanics using quality, engine-type-specific oils.
    That’s why the vehicle is in such great condition otherwise.
    That’s also why it’s so bloody disappointing to have this type of wear happen despite “doing the right thing”.

    Thanks for the changeover head suggestion mate. I will look into that.

    Seano put me on to Heritage Parts in UK and they have free shipping to Oz for anything $250AUD or over ….. including a $3,500 head!
    I am now waiting for a certain VW mechanic in my area to return from leave to get some info on what to do.

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