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Thread: Key barrel problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Edens Landing Qld
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    Key barrel problem

    Hi, I'm on my second T5 Transporter. It's a 2012 2.0L 103Kw DSG 266,000kms. Had a few issues so come here often to read for any solutions. Currently looking at alternatives to a $1400 key barrel replacement. Has anyone tried to install a Start/Stop button kit to bypass the obscene replacement cost of a key barrel? Turning the current key to the 'on' position then hitting the start/stop button seems like a simple solution but it's hard to find any info. Cheers, Mario.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    What about something like this ? Viper SmartStart Remote Start System

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Not sure if remote starting is legal in Qld. But I'll have to try and find out. And how compatible the system is with the van.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Who cares if it,s legal or not how would anyone know ?? so many cars these days have remote start standard anyway , my mate has some new fangled BMW that he starts remotely with his bloody phone !! Twenty years ago with my old business we used to fit remote car starters , in a manual it was a problem as you had to make sure it was in neutral for it to work and have damn good handbrake , autos were easy but the car would only run for around ten minutes . The car would still be locked and when you got in you had to put the key in and turn it to the on position or the moment you pulled it out of park or tried to change gears [ manual ] it would just stop . The main problem would be the steering lock and the immobilizer which is built into the where the key fits .
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 15-05-2017 at 10:57 PM.

  5. #5
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    You would worry about the legality of it if something happened to your car and the insurance company refused to pay out.

    That price is wrong. It is commong for the steering lock housing to jam which the part is under $300 and only takes an hour to fit. The barrel should also only be $400 and takes 5 minutes to fit as long as your existing one is working enough to still turn the key.

    What is the problem that you are having?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    I apologize for the comment about legality as you are probably right Insurance companies certainly would frown on something that has been changed from factory , but hey look at how many cars factory high tech security systems have been hacked with simple gadgets from China etc . Code grabbers comes to mind .

  7. #7
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    I do agree with you on that, most cars with smart keys with the right tools can be opened and new keys coded very quicklywithout doing any damage all thanks to their crappy security. The reality is though that if an insurance company can find a way to deny a claim then they will. Your car has been designed to comply with the ADR, if you want to modify something from what is allowed then it isn't straight forward and anything do do with the "security" is generally going to be a no.

  8. #8
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    Our local Autobarn, who are the Official Australian stockists of the Viper system, don't even keep any of the systems in stock.
    My issue with starting my van is I can easily turn the key to the on position but then turning it further to start the van does nothing unless I exert massive pressure on the key. I've snapped one key so far. Even using excessive force it'll still take 3 or 4 attempts before power is sent down to the starter motor. A mate who also has a 2012 T5 has 100k less kms on the clock has already had his barrel replaced by VW. Yep $1400. Apparently the whole barrel assembly is replaced and they have to match the existing keys to the new assembly. It's done in Singapore. I replaced the ignition switch but to no avail. I'm a courier so the van gets started 30-40 times a day.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    When you say you have to force it does moving the steering wheel make it easier , some times if the wheel is off centre or the key removed when the lock is under pressure it can make it hard to turn .

  10. #10
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    As I said it's the ate ring look housing, I do at least one a month. The original barrel can still be used. The last one I did the complete job I charged under $500 and that's with me going on site.
    Last edited by AALocksmiths; 21-05-2017 at 01:51 PM.

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