What a crappy day pal. Gives you an excuse to brush up your polishing/finishing skills though. I seem to get them days all the time!
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Well day started with a bang and it went dowhill from there "groan" . Had a simple job at the Gold Coast got to customers house to find an awkward driveway , pulled up parallel with entrance and then worked out because of overhanging tree and telegraph pole I would need to take a wide swing from the middle of the road . Well peak hour traffic ment I had to make the move quickly {bad mistake} turned in only to find a bloody gate post with metal hinges buried amongst the over hanging tree crrrrrunch now i have some lovely srapes and shallow dents from sliding door back to rear flank . Then not more than 3 hours later backing out of another customers driveway bang drivers mirror torn backwards on another bloody gate post . I suppose i could blame myself for trying hard not to run over any pedestrians whilst reversing out but well thats what happens sometimes . This weekend will have some serious cutting and polishing to remove some marks , the mirror has had more hits than Muhammed Ali so this one will just require some more screws to get it back in place . As I said to Jmac the other week I will keep this van till it dies on its own or I kill it like my faithfull old T4 . Trucks and T4's don't play well together , one or the other will come off second best and you know which one it was that time .
What a crappy day pal. Gives you an excuse to brush up your polishing/finishing skills though. I seem to get them days all the time!
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Not so good mate
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Ah well Jim as I said to my wife if it had been the new van I would have been over in the corner spilling tears and beating myself up to boot but the van is nearly ten years old and it is a work horse so it goes with the territory that after 220.000 kays it is going to get a little bruised from time to time . Once things settle down after Christmas I'll get stuck into it with the buffer and see how much I can disguise the marks , meantime I'll sit back each night and enjoy our Christmas Lights River 949 Christmas Lights code 122 - YouTube
It doesn't matter how good you are as a driver, this stuff will happen. Still lovin' my sunroof you did for me.