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Thread: Its growling and it sounds expensive $$$$$$$$$$

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Its growling and it sounds expensive $$$$$$$$$$

    Hi all my T5 2.0 litre has developed a growl and no I haven,t run over a lion , normally I dont here any thing other than the stereo . But today whilst travelling back from the Gold Coast I could feel an unusual noise/feeling from under the floor , I thought it was the drivers side but turned out to be coming from passengers side front . I eliminated the usual suspects disc pad rub / wheel bearings etc . what I suspect is where the drive shaft bolts onto the end outlet from the gearbox if thats what that part is . I can feel and hear a sort of uneven noise from the housing , I removed both front wheels and put the van on stands . I had the engine running and the car in gear with both wheels turning speedo showing 40kmh . . Checked oil level seems fine just level with outlet . Question does any one know what is internal at this point that may be causing the growl , I can visualize a large bearing of sorts inside the alloy housing , could this be the cause , or is there something else that could be the culprit . I am resigend to the fact that the box will have to come out as the clutch is on its last legs . Any suggestions will be appreciated I have looked on the Brickyard but I can only find some reference to drive shaft problems any one got a link to gearbox removal . Howard

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Peregian Beach
    This may be of no help at all but I will throw it out there. The air conditioning compressor on my Polo has just started growling. My mechanic mate informs me that it is the beginning of the end for it. Is the growling all the time or do you hear when the air conditioning is on? Sorry if it is way off.
    2001 Bora 4 Motion Sport now used by number two son
    2011 Skoda Octavia Scout now with Underground Performance tune
    2010 Jetta 125 tdi dsg for the misses - Impressed
    2006 Polo GTI - Enhanced by some of Gav's magic - Absolutely loving it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Thread Starter
    Okay here is where I admit to a gross act of stupidity, after last nights post and after I refiitted wheels etc I did not see in the semi dark but the passengers front tyre was half flat , so this morning I inflated the tyre to 38psi and you guessed it no more noise . I can only guess that the low pressure was what was causing the the unusual sound and feeling Now I am now guessing that while I had the wheels off the ground and had them running the sound I was hearing was just normal transmission sounds as the van does have 160,000 kays so logic says there would be some gear noise etc when the wheels turn with no road resistance . The down side is I still have to do a clutch soon so a full check will be done then . So to all who are thinking of an answer rest your brains as it was a no brainer problem . Howard PS Bora sport no aircon was on, I rarely use it as I have a sunroof open most of the year .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Good news Howard, thankfully nothing more serious.
    2014 T5.1 Multivan Tuned by Pendle Performance Australia

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    To admit one's error in a public place is noble... and like you I would rather cop some public mirth at my expense then pay big bucks to fix a real problem.
    Last edited by Tornado T5; 05-10-2011 at 05:12 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for that Tornado I will admit an act of stupidity as I believe the truth is the best medicine . I was relieved to find the problem was only the tyre I am also thinking that because the tyre was half flat it may also have had an effect on the ASR [traction control} which may have been part of the noise I heard while driving , as I could imagine if the ASR was reading the extra resistance of the half flat tyre it could have been the reason for some of the noise I heard . Howard


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