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Thread: intermittent idle dip at operating temp and find fault.

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    .......but what is.
    I'm sure everything needs replacing.
    This pic is a mould i made from the inside of a spark plug lead, the spark plug connection. I'd reefed the inners out after the tow truck dumped me. Anyway the build is that the very tip, that bump, is where the wire from the insulated lead 'sits'. The next bit down is the insulation crimp and then the tube till the last bump on the side. I won't be buying new ones again and adapting a push in connection to secure that wire. $$$ saved. I thought it was held more than that, crimped in it like the other cheap.
    intermittent idle dip at operating temp and find fault.-img_20141019_165028-jpg
    Also I've traced a no current value from the NEW dizzy hall sender. This may be related to the ecu or power as the source of the cause.
    Narrows it down______expensively_______.
    Last edited by Bill Lee; 20-10-2014 at 01:39 PM.

  2. #32
    Yes Sunny I think he's replaced the ecu relay already although he still may have a fault in the wiring somewhere between the relay and ecu

  3. #33
    Also Bill are you losing power to the injectors as well?
    When you have checked the above again check to see if you have power and grounds at the dizzy and coil and that the dizzy is sending a signal to the ecu and the coil is being switched by the ecu

  4. #34
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    That sounds easy, what scientific instruments do that. Transmitting message . I don't think I can, I couldn't make a windows app.

    But your right on to something about the earthing it. I traced the no spark fault back to the dizzy hall sender or cap, all new, and suspect one of these. Ecu,immo,power. Will use the bypass proceedure info for the immo from this forum, getting new battery and advice about earthing of the vehical, leaves the difficult stuff__ecu__ can get it checked....
    Power to the injectors is consideredconsidered, they were looked at and spayed, but I'm still going to go around in circles with if its power or faults, there are just too many variables to adjust willy nilly, so an accurate diagnosis might just be the ticket.....similarly when the direct fault had to be found at the start, most likely area was ignition and work back. Vcds would find some faults right? I mean idle control valve, hall sender ignition transformer are connected/replaced but nothing about them...?in fact all its ever said is the immo/ecu need connecting because it blocks engine/starting. Then nothing.

    Circles again.
    All I need is which way its going to trend, electrical or computer and I'll just go over the mechanical in the mean time.

    Multimeter says readings on whatever I point at, but if they're not right...I just haven't found a post with all of them to concur. its bananas.

  5. #35
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    OK new battery in and guess what, the old battery on charge for the last 3 days revealed its hidden badness, 13.4 volts. MELTING EVERYTHING!. Something inside wasn't clicking and it obviously varied voltages depending on how full it was ......
    I've got to test the elec parts again...and replace them again.....look at all,earths,relays and fuses..etc
    ....I'm so tired.....

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    13.4 is normal don.t worry most cars will handle up to and above 14 volts with no issues , just because it says 12 volts on the battery etc the alternator will pump out a higher voltage as the van when driving with lights air con etc need to be kept up to and above 12volts .

  7. #37
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    what are you saying.....

  8. #38
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    Okay Bill all cars are traditionally designed to run on 12volts but because when you are driving there is a constant drain on the battery as the van needs power to run all the systems , so the alternator is the supply of power to the battery it keeps the battery charged up . The alternator is also designed to supply up to and above 12 volts when the van is running . So 13,5 is a very normal amount of power you will see on a multimeter with the engine running very few batteries will show much higher than 12 volts with the engine switched off its absolutely normal . Hope it helps .

  9. #39
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    I.....I...I didn't...know..that!
    Thankyou anyway, I'll change MY way of thinking immediately. Next time my torch needs battery's...wall plug ON. Haha.
    Not much to add, looking at starter motors connections and they're really bad.

    Thats it.

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton

    Somebody please help raise funds to send a qualified VW mechanic to help Bill before the poor bugger spends his retirement on trying to fix his van , I suppose Tasmania my be short of talented guys who can help him .

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