Has anybody done their own DIY lights being either a light bar or driving lights on a 2002 T4? Any help and/or diagrams would be very helpful. Thanks guys...
How was the connection done ie; wiring etc?
Piece of cake one wire to ground on the body second wire to a 30amp relay this in turn is connected to the high beam wire which triggers the relay and doesn't cause any issues with the factory wiring . Place the relay close to the battery as you can tap into the headlight wire right next to the battery .
My LED light bar came with a wiring loom that uses an adapter plug for the back of the hi-beam globe inc a relay and isolating switch for inside the cabin. Meaning I can switch it on or off only when the hi-beams are being used.
Illuminator 32" LED Light Bar + LED Light Bar Wiring Harness , 4WD & Outdoor Products - Australia
Made my own mounting brackets and didn't have to remove the bumper bar.
What's the night vision like Markee? I just need to see those sneaky roo's that tend to jump out?
What i can add is on our first T5 I had a pair of Narva spotlights which lit up the road for around a couple of hundred metres or more in front only , I used to call them bunny burners . The Cree bars give enormous light not only down the road but especially around the proximity of the van you see down the road and way out each side and up into the trees { handy for those notorious suicidal drop bears } I, ll try and find the photos showing the light at night and post later .
Same as what Sunny said above. It's fantastic for lighting up the road to the side, even better when there is surrounding tree coverage. It just gives a whole lot more reaction time because you see suicidal skippy sooner.
Going back to regular beam when you get an approaching car is actually scary how little you can see!
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