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Thread: Indicators and windows and cruise control failure .

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Indicators and windows and cruise control failure .

    Drove home Friday and all was right in the 2005 T5 jumped in this afternoon to go and rescue wife who had a blowout on a tyre , suddenly realised no flashing indicator lights in the cluster ?? . Started to remove fuse panel cover only to remember that the Hieroglyphics VW put on the fuse card takes forever to figure out , so I jumped out and lo and behold the indicators on the van are working both sides ? . Drove off to complete rescue and then find out no power windows or cruise control are not working , after completing the rescue jumped back in restarted and lo and behold magically it has fixed itself . Any one care to speculate please .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    bad/intermittent connection at fuse(s) that control the blinkers,cruise,etc? Reseat fuses
    bad earth on battery

    all i got.

    Actually, now that i think about it, it appears that it's only because you are the driver.You did say the blinkers started working once you got out.
    Get another driver and all shall be well.
    Last edited by Rebuild; 21-07-2013 at 11:43 PM.
    04 T5

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
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    Very funny another driver jeez , yes I was surprised as when I first noticed no indicator light in the cluster I thought that I had no indicators at all but when I pulled up and had a look they were working on each side very strange . I did turn it off an on a couple of times thinking that it would reset , but it was not until about an hour later when I had changed the wheel on the wifes van that it decided to fix itself . Battery is only 3 weeks old and if it had been loose at terminal I doubt it would have started , sounds like some sort of Can Bus issue maybe as there were three things that stopped working and as some things share common circuits etc that might explain it .

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    It would just be a glitch Howard. A module hasn't initialised properly or something. I've had the same thing happen to my 2005 T5 twice in the 7 years I owned it. The first time I thought WTF, no indicators! Then I realised they were actually working, just not in the cluster. When I stopped I switched the ignition off, switched it back on and was back to normal. Hopefully nothing to worry about

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by t5dude View Post
    It would just be a glitch Howard. A module hasn't initialised properly or something. I've had the same thing happen to my 2005 T5 twice in the 7 years I owned it. The first time I thought WTF, no indicators! Then I realised they were actually working, just not in the cluster. When I stopped I switched the ignition off, switched it back on and was back to normal. Hopefully nothing to worry about
    I agree, mine did this about 3 weeks ago after not doing it for about 2 years. Its happened about 6 times to mine, and I think it is the control module logic getting screwed up.

    I am very close to having a precise workaround, but for now what I know is that you can completely clear it by doing something like this:
    Stop the van, turn off the ignition and remove the keys from the lock, then open the drivers door and then close it again, then start the engine as normal, whalla, everthing working again.


  6. #6
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    Mt Cotton
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    I used to do the switch off and on trick on my wifes old T5 van when the auto would lose drive , worked perfectly until you got to the next set of lights or intersection and then you would have to repeat the process again each time . Turned out that when you tried to take off the auto pump would suck up all the fluid and crap in the bottom of the tranny sump which would then block the filter , turning it off would cause the fluid to run back out of the filter partially unblocking it until the next set of lights DOH Wouldn't it be nice if car makers could install a self diagnostic system into each car then when this happens you could access the sytem to rectify the problem without the need for a laptop etc , with all the high tech stuff in cars these days that would surely not be that hard to incorporate .
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 22-07-2013 at 07:40 PM.

  7. #7
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BrianJ View Post
    I agree, mine did this about 3 weeks ago after not doing it for about 2 years. Its happened about 6 times to mine, and I think it is the control module logic getting screwed up.

    I am very close to having a precise workaround, but for now what I know is that you can completely clear it by doing something like this:
    Stop the van, turn off the ignition and remove the keys from the lock, then open the drivers door and then close it again, then start the engine as normal, whalla, everthing working again.


    This happened to me again today, but I fixed it very quickly using this sequence:

    Stopped engine
    Remove keys from ignition
    Open drivers door
    Put keys in ignition and turn on
    Turn off ignition and remove keys
    Close drivers door
    Insert keys and drive off

    Everything now reset and normal.

    Hope this is useful to some poor soul.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I had a similar one a few months ago with my T5 2.0 petrol manual , whilst driving into enemy territory [NSW] the cruise control just stopped working DOH ! so whilst I was just coasting along on a straight piece of road switched it off an on quickly and it reset itself . Believe me in northern NSW there are so many little towns with 50k speed limits and the obligatory speed camera's that I find the best way to keep the van at the limit is to just engage the cruise in third gear in the towns and it will happily stay on the limit . I was back in the same area today and had a police car follow me for nearly 35 kays , cruise was used to keep him off my back . He eventually went elsewhere to hunt for some poor bastard from north of the border .


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