Did quite a bit of driving today, 600+ km.
The difference is quite noticeable. It appears the hillstart function is killed off or shortened by heaps with the update.
Will get that checkout out for our first 15k service. Its amazing how the slowness affects your driving overall. Yesterday I was in a hire car in Sydney with enough grunt to push out into traffic, but I hesitated because I have become so used to the drag on start off of the van. Scared my passengers .. that was fun.
Did quite a bit of driving today, 600+ km.
The difference is quite noticeable. It appears the hillstart function is killed off or shortened by heaps with the update.
Bugger only just saw this thread and our 132 4 motion went in for it's 15,000 service last week.
I'll drop them a call and see if I can take it back down for the DSG software upgrade.
I've found the lag dangerous when coming to a round about but if you start rolling the van the lag isn't as noticeable. But you're right, putting it in D or S mode takes the lag away. So I often switch it when coming to a round about and switch it back.
I only drive the van on the weekends...
But almost 17,000 km later (yep trip to Melbourne and back since the service) we love our 132 4Motion Multivan.
We got down to Melbourne on 1 tank and back on 1 tank. Down it was doing with cruise control on at 112 km p/h, 9.1 lt p/100 and 8.5 lt p/100 on the way back. Felt like more slight up hills on the way down.
We've taken the van to the snow and the 4Motion was excellent, felt safe with the 4Motion and front diff lock on. And the power is excellent when drive long distances up hills, over taking is easy.
I got caught in the one of the worst rain storms a few months back on the F3 going north and I didn't feel like I needed to slow down, the van just ate up the freeway like there wasn't a down pour and it was a seriously big down pour.
I'd never go without a 4Motion now we have this van. It's seriously worth the extra upgrade if you're sitting on the fence.