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Thread: Hi Ho Hi Ho its to off the transmision shop I go.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Hi Ho Hi Ho its to off the transmision shop I go.

    Well its finally happened the T5, Triptronic nightmare has decided that Halloween has come early , thank you VW thank you my local dealer who happily made my wallet lighter to the tune of $600 . now it seems I will have to bite the bullet as after a service recently the tranny has gone KAPUTT how much more money should I pour into this Sh**t box of a van . I asked the dealers nicely to look into the fact that 3 years ago I wanted the tranny serviced and they wouldn,t now they have said yes we will do that for you and five kays down the road from their shop it fails . As far as I am concerned I expect better from a top European car maker , 135,000 kays out of an auto is not good enough !!!! Watch this space .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Can you clarify, are you saying that after 135,000km with no services, you did get the oil changed by the dealer, and 5k later it is playing up. I am in a similair position, mine has done 150,000km with no servicing and I am thinking of getting the oil changed, now I am a bit worried. I have a thing about leaving sleeping dogs lie, so I may just wait and see what happens.

    Good luck with yours anyhow.
    Last edited by BrianJ; 08-10-2012 at 09:00 PM.

  3. #3
    IN2VWS Guest
    I would be looking into the fact that 5 kilometers down the road it **** itself. That would concern me. Did they know how to service it? Did they put enough oil in it? IMO it should be their problem as it was working fine before it went in to them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Thread Starter
    Yes correct Brian , with hindsight I should have pursued other options for servicing but at the time I was a VW owner who was told by the dealership that VW dealers were the best people to service ones purchase so what was I to do just fork out 7 grand and say aw well thats life ??? .
    Yes IN2VWS before service it had a very rare occasions of slipping but a quick turn off and on sorted it out , after service it was much worse and more frequent and yes only 5 kays from the dealership it slipped at 3 consecutive intersections and then at my driveway , the thumping between changes was still the same , the dealer told me that the software "upgrade" would fix the slipping , and
    whoop de do no charge for that little gem , which now has turned to an early Halloween Nightmare . It has been six weeks since the service but the van has only been driven by myself as the wife is just sh**t scared to drive it . The reason for the time delay was that I had contaced the dealer same day who 7 days later refused any form of help but suggested to ring VW Australia . This was done VWAust assured me that someone would contact me within 3 working days that was 5 weeks ago still waiting VW ????
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 08-10-2012 at 09:57 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Kilmore, Vic
    Users Country Flag
    Shop around Sunny
    My first rebuild less than two years ago was 7K, the one last month was $4,800
    And this last one has turned out to be a much better job, as in the smoothness and operation of the auto
    The technology to do the rebuilds is now more readily available
    And by the sounds of it your clutches are stuffed and no amount of oil changes or software upgrades fixes those
    Good luck with it


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Thread Starter
    Well its booked with a local transmission shop who came highly recommended by a forum contributor who I place high respect for his knowledge . The repairer did not mince his words when I spoke with him he has rebuilt many of them and does not short cut any part . It looks like a $11000 rebuild as every thing will need to be replaced and remachined and computer reprogramming etc . I spent a lot of hours ringing many shops around Brisbane and the response was quite eye opening . Some actually refused to work on them as they know how difficult they are to get right , some admmited they had not touched one and could not give any indication on price or what they could do . So its in next week for a two to three week holiday while it is eviserated .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Don't let up on VW Aust, keep calling and emailing them till you get a response. If all your services were completed at VW dealerships, then i think you'd have a decent chance at getting a goodwill claim for 50% of the repair costs. They covered 50% of my repair bill, although i only had traveled 60k and VW performed the transplant.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    Taken from the UK T4 Forum because I'd just seen it and it seemed appropriate here...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Thread Starter
    Very funny and I have to agree Kombi,s T3 ,s T4,s bullet proof nearly T5,s shot full of bullet holes . And as Blufin has suggested I have given VW many opportunities to reply but as yet complete silence . Watch this space .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    Very funny and I have to agree Kombi,s T3 ,s T4,s bullet proof nearly T5,s shot full of bullet holes . And as Blufin has suggested I have given VW many opportunities to reply but as yet complete silence . Watch this space .
    When my aircon compressor failed, the dealer asked VW if they would come to the party and pay some of the cost. Nothing happened for about 3 weeks, no feedback from the dealer, and I was scheduled to go on a trip around Australia, so I got another workshop to fix it and thought nothing more of the matter. About 2 months later a get a call from the dealer saying in a positive voice that VW have agreed to pay for some of the cost, to which I responded that I was half way around the country and they were about 3 months too late.

    I was extremely underwhelmed to say the least and have never had any work done at that dealer since then. So don't expect anything in a reasonable amount of time from VW, they have all the time in the world to stuff you around.


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