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Thread: Hi Ho Hi Ho its to off the transmision shop I go.

  1. #31
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    I'm at work and can't find the link at the moment, but I think it is 'recommended' to change every 60.000 to 80.000km depending on the usage.

    Also keep and eye out which oil you use, at around 95(?) the 01P automatic transmission succeeded the old 089 (or 098? Can't remember) and needs fully synthetic fluids.

    Make sure the oil temperature is at 60* when you swap it should be around 3.5L or something in the high 5s low 6s if you do a full swap.

    I believe the the oil temperature can be checked via the G38 sensor (introduced in the newer auto boxes)

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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    ...and the German version of the same is 5 years/120,000km , unless they've changed it in the recent years.
    And here's where I get confused
    IF they rate the box at around 120,000, how does that equate to a diesel engine which should get around 400,000 to 500,000 ks
    I understand consumables, but an auto box is not

    I've been a big fan of VW vans, but these T5's are turning me right off Volkswagen
    It's cost me both arms and one leg to keep it on the road
    Heater fan has now gone
    And the turbo is leaking (internally) more oil than it should

    I know we're a very small sample here, but everywhere I go ppl complain about problems with their T5's
    Sunny, I don't agree with you on many things, but on this I do


  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by gecko2k View Post
    Also keep and eye out which oil you use, at around 95(?) the 01P automatic transmission succeeded the old 089 (or 098? Can't remember) and needs fully synthetic fluids.

    Make sure the oil temperature is at 60* when you swap it should be around 3.5L or something in the high 5s low 6s if you do a full swap.
    You are quoting for the T4, Sunny has a T5 that I believe uses a different oil. It's certainly more expensive than the oil in the T4.
    Understand how it works, troubleshoot logically BEFORE replacing parts.
    2001 T4 TRAKKA Syncro 2.5TDI,2006 Mk5 2.0TDI Golf manual,2001 Polo 1.4 16V manual [now sold], '09 2.0CR TDI Tiguan manual,
    Numerous Mk1 Golf diesels

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cousin View Post
    And here's where I get confused
    IF they rate the box at around 120,000, how does that equate to a diesel engine which should get around 400,000 to 500,000 ks
    I understand consumables, but an auto box is not

    I've been a big fan of VW vans, but these T5's are turning me right off Volkswagen
    It's cost me both arms and one leg to keep it on the road
    Heater fan has now gone
    And the turbo is leaking (internally) more oil than it should

    I know we're a very small sample here, but everywhere I go ppl complain about problems with their T5's
    Sunny, I don't agree with you on many things, but on this I do

    Hello Cousin thank you for your support , yes I will admit I have trodden on more toes than I can remember and I again apologise for my indescretions to all my victims . Now some advice for you here , when ours was in to fix the engine noise which turned out to be a bearing in the aircon compressor the bill alone for that was $2344 . Then add in the service to the auto that contributed to its end demise $514 plus regular service $470 . The service advisor then tells me like yours that the turbo has an internal oil leak , so after parting with $3680 he informs me that if I want the turbo fixed add another $6000 WTF is it we these people how do they sleep at night . I will admit that this making me very aware of the Planned Obsolescence theory . Howard

  5. #35
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    Just saw it! Whoopps

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  6. #36
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    Wow sunny was that all through a dealer or some other mechanic? Bit scary those figures.

  7. #37
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    Dealer prices unfortunatly at the time the mechanic I would have preferred to use was booked out for many weeks in advance and the air con situation required immediate attention as we were going away for the weekend and need it fixed . Yes the dealers seem to be able to sit in front of you straight faced and rattle off prices for repairs as if you had a million dollars to spend each time you walk through the door . After spending over 3 grand and having the auto go out for lunch right after has made me think that no matter what in the future I will not support these greedy bastards . I have a better understanding of consumer laws now so in the future I will use them to my advantage . And yes when he quoted 6 grand for the turbo I walked out .

  8. #38
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    Got to say its dealer prices that keeps guys like me in buisness....borg warner replacement turbo is approx 2k...but oil leak internal to know how that came about ...whats the issue to begin with !!!!!!

  9. #39
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    See the problem these days is your friendly person who works at the dealership is no longer called a mechanic he is a "Technician" this reflects the fact that most cars today have so much computer controlled electronics controlling things that they need to be an IT specialist . Next the manufacturers are making inbuilt obsolecence as part of their business strategy . Dealers who can no longer actually repair some simple part as they are told by manufactureres to replace a whole unit for two possible reasons . 1/ they do not trust their "technicians to repair something and they are taught that accordingly 2/ its more profitable for a dealer to replace a part that might fail under warranty so the dealer makes more money . My last comment on VW for today when I bought my van I paid for the whole van lock stock and barrell . Now when I got a spare part price for our auto I was told $11000 approx plus fitting . Now for me to buy the auto as a part they want another $3000 plus as a sort of gaurantee that I will give them my old one back if not the auto costs $14000 plus . What gives VW the right to charge me if I choose to keep what I already own and have paid for BLOODY CROOKS!

    Now apologies to any mechanics who are true mechanics this is not aimed at you its the manufacturers who are making this impression to car owners .

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by volksMuller View Post
    Got to say its dealer prices that keeps guys like me in buisness....borg warner replacement turbo is approx 2k...but oil leak internal to know how that came about ...whats the issue to begin with !!!!!!
    volksmuller, the turbos have an amount of blowby, which I'm sure you're aware of, and over time it increases
    At some point it may get to be too much and the turbo needs to be replaced
    Not sure if we're at that point on mine yet, have a poke around at the next service
    And you're right about dealers keeping independents in business, but it does go the other way too
    If the independents weren't around, less people would buy that brand, as the repairs/servicing can be too high for some at the dealers
    And Sunny, if you want to just keep your auto, do it
    But you won't get your refund for not sending the blown auto in
    What are you going to do with it anyway
    I know you're going to say it's yours, you paid for it
    But look at it this way, the new auto costs say $14,000
    Give them your old one back and you get/save $3,000
    Fairly easy decision
    Don't understand why you would spend $11,000 on a rebuild though when you can get a new? one for the same price
    Or am I misunderstanding your posts


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