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Thread: help needed - harmonic balancer installation tool needed- or similar - melbourne

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    Silly question when you changed the timing belt did you secure the pulleys to stop them getting out of line , I made this mistake when I did my sons timing belt in his Astra twin overhead cams I locked them both before removal but because the old belt had stretched I had to loosen one of them back one notch to get the new belt on result was it idled lumpy but ran ok had to redo it and then got it right . The point is have you checked the timing marks etc .
    yes all the marks were checked, not only that.. before i removed the timing belt i market alll the crank and the old belt.
    on the new belt i counted all the teeth and marked those to make sure they all alligned with a specific spot as the old belt.

  2. #12
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    the engine is spinning, but seems like its not getting fuel and its not even trying to start. either the starter motor is not engaging or no fuel iight firing the pistons....

  3. #13
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    Just a thought have you changed keys at all ? when I did an engine swap with my sons T4 diesel to petrol engine change I failed to change the key as the onboard computer was still looking for the old electrics , after having the key code copied it started instantly .

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    Just a thought have you changed keys at all ? when I did an engine swap with my sons T4 diesel to petrol engine change I failed to change the key as the onboard computer was still looking for the old electrics , after having the key code copied it started instantly .
    no only got the one key

  5. #15
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    the one think that was different is the waterpump,, the old one had 18 teeth, the new one had 20.. i did some research before installing, and read that they new pumps are 20 teeth and can go on directly.. i wonder if this is the issue and somehow altered the timing,, although
    all the marks i made were all lining up on both cam and cranck...

  6. #16
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    so pulled the belts aparts again, checked and all timing marks are spot on.
    put it back together and still just free spinning but not starting.. its got me stumped now .
    its on gas, so no fuel likes were disconnected.. also tried starting on petrol and nothing still..
    pulled on plug out and it want fouled.. i might try and change the coil... although its only a few months old..
    recharging the battery overnight ready to tackle it tomorrow morning..

  7. #17
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    all sorted, for anyone doing 2.5l petrol aet van, note the timing mark to line up the balancer is at about 8 oclock on the lower cover. also when the balancer is off, the key on the cog will line up at about 9 oclock in line with the top of the lower cover. timing mark on the camsharft is very hard to see and its not very visible, use the distributor and line up the rotor button to cylinder 1 mark. then you should be able to see a mark on the camshaft.
    hope that will help the few owners of aet engines..

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