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Fantastic build thread. I've done the EJ25 conversion into my T3, however it seems I'm too much of a VW purist (plus I really don't like the Subaru sound much) so I'm seriously considering a 1.8T conversion later this year.
Hey matey, in terms of keeping it pure, yes the 1.8T is the way to go, but the power delivery (relative to the T3) of the EJ25 is much better than my setup. The 1.8T just cant compare in terms of torque to the EJ25.
Even though mine is tuned and does some pretty sick gravel skids, it uses too much fuel due to the tune.
I recently did a south-east coast trip from Melbourne to Gold Coast over a short period of 3 weeks. Had some time off from work and thought why not put the van to use!
This was the living quarters for the duration.

Did some other cool stuff along the way too, enjoy! =]

It was an awesome trip with so much cool stuff to see in between. Overall did around 3825km which cost $836.11 on fuel, and funnily enough the day I left, the fuel gauge just decided to stop working... luckily I had a jerry can - because I ran out of fuel twice haha.
I've also realised I will need to invest in a fridge/freezer as using the esky with ice was just not good enough. Getting a fridge will mean I'll have to get a solar panel and what not - but at this stage I just don't understand the whole concept, so will require more research before I can commit. If anyone has done an install of their own and can explain to me how the system works, ie; solar panel goes to a distributor of somesort, then to the aux battery etc?
I was also really shocked it made it so many k's with zero problems, I think I was expecting problems considering it was a driveway build, but surprisingly none at all apart from fuel gauge not working.
Last edited by GeorgeMK1; 27-04-2018 at 09:21 AM.
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