Just before we started adding proper insulation to Harold, there was a Vanlife Melbourne meeting held at Rubicon River, with 2 forums members from here (Brook and Elton). In total there was maybe 10 vans, with majority of them being super cool T3s. It was a pretty sweet weekend, with a projector and screen being hooked up to watch Top Gun of course.
Some pics I got (thats toms cool T3 in the background)

And this is Ty's camper next to ours.

After that weekend was a bit of a break from any camping as I pulled the whole interior back out to re insulate it for winter.
We used Amatelin 7mm thermal break sheets first, then backed by wool insulation, and finally a reflective sheeting at the end. Im no expert but this final sheet should also help against vapour.
Thermal break first on all panels

Including on the roof too. And then followed by wool

Tried to get it in as much places as we could fit it. This was us for a lot of the colder nights these past few months.

Then finally the reflective stuff on last.

After doing that step of the build, we went out for a quick weekend getaway to Mt. Macedon to test the new insulation. It was pretty damn warm to be honest, with no real concern during winter camping. We also woke up to an awesome morning full of fog!!

About a month ago I found a bike rack to suit hatch backs, here on the for sale section. I had a feeling I could modify it to better suit Harold as I wasn't happy with the current bike carrier. We were using the tow bar carrier, but that meant we couldn't open the boot if we needed to. With this new setup, it allows me to open the boot no worries.
It all worked so good minus a few slight modifications I had to make. I intend on going away for some weekends in search of Victorias best MTB tracks during summer, so should be fun.
Anxious late night quick test shows a few small mods needed to make it work.

And thats it, all finished up and ready to go.
I've got a few more things to update as per our build, stay tuned!
Thanks for reading
Last edited by GeorgeMK1; 12-08-2017 at 11:23 AM.
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