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Thread: Harold - the T25 van (1.8T content)

  1. #131
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    With vw gearbox drain plugs I use a bolt that fits then 2 nuts done up super tight against each other then you undo the Iner nut with a ring spaner works a treat and all parts are still usable (as long as you can get the nuts apart.) can use a socket if you use a smaller but on the outside.

  2. #132
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    blackburn south, vic
    Also vwheratige has rad thermo switch for £8.77 + postage

  3. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryn23 View Post
    Now if u used red silicone tubing and adapters, the van would have been faster and unbeatable

    But as you used blue, its only awesome

    loving the thread by the way, you are almost there.
    I'm reserving red for the brake callipers, so I can stop extra fast hahaha.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    Plus pulling the engine out with a piece of 2x 3 tied to the head to lift it out .
    I've done that before!! Good times

    Quote Originally Posted by Tymk1 View Post
    Also vwheratige has rad thermo switch for £8.77 + postage
    Yeah I know, but I had the opportunity at the time to get a genuine one, and thought why not. Sort of regret it now hahah

    Had a cracker weekend and got so much done. Mrs wasn’t pleased at all, but atleast progress was steady.
    I’ll break the update in two of what happened over sat/sun/mon as vww won’t let me do over 20 pics. Per post.

    Finished work on Saturday and got to work on last rad pipe. Cut a 32mm hose again and wedged it in the 40mm pipe. This pipe had a stainless spring in there to keep it’s shape I’d imagine, so was happy about that too!

    Due to one of the radiator pipes having a busted lip at the end, I was scared the hose could pop off a bit easier, so decided to add two clamps instead, as well as pushing in the hose approx. 100mm deeper than I should have. Am now content it will never come off haha.

    That pretty much concluded the dreaded radiator hoses.
    Had a chance to go to Jaycar before the closed and picked up a couple of things to start on the wiring. The rest of the goods I had at home. I’ve got enough wire and soldering supplies at home to circle Australia for some reason….

    Anyhow. Picked up 8g power wire and relay holder that interlock with eachother, very neat little things.

    Settled on a location for my fuse holder. Thought this was a perfect re-use of the old relay box, and in a easily visible location should I need to check fuses.
    This particular one is an 8 fuse holder, so will be a few spare if needed.

    Had to make 8 of these little fellas.

    To fit on like so. This will then connect to 8g power wire, giving the feed to the fuse box.

    Connected and sorted. I like the oem feel to it ��

    A pic to show just some of the wiring needed to go in.

    Before I finished for the day I started on the wiring loom and relay holder.

    I couldn’t do without my trusty robotic arms….. They have been by my side for many years!

    This was pretty much where I called it a night.
    The basic structure of the wiring loom. Each relay will get its own power, however they share the same ground and same ignition to make it neater.
    I used an ignition source from the old body loom, and am also trying to make all the grounding points ECU related, meet at the same point on the body too. In the past I’ve had grounding issues, and I’ve found that the closer they are, or even if they are bridged together – the better.

    PART TWO next post!
    - Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
    - Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
    - Brown U.S import 81 cabby
    - 88 Honda crx b18cr

  4. #134
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    Sunday morning I went to yet another supercheap and managed to finally track the correct pipe down for the heater core hoses.

    Here is my old crumpled one.

    The replacement I found! Has a larger opening and closes to normal size again, its perfect.

    Yessssss (Jeremy Clarkson voice)

    Before hooked it up, I ran the 8g cable and fuel pump wire under the car to where they needed to go.
    Quick pic

    Anyway, finally ticked another thing off the list (there’s not many left!)

    Then for pretty much 6/7 hours this was me in my dirty overalls – soldering, soldering, soldering, soldering, reading wiring diagrams, soldering, cutting, soldering, some more diagrams, testing, soldering.

    I sort of forgot to take photos around these brain dead moments.
    In this pic I have added 2 sections of the loom I will need to connect. One connects to the engine loom, and the other goes into the ECU.
    Most wires are for A/C, cruise control, reverse lights, evap/charcoal cannisters and other stuff I don’t need.
    I found the power wires needed for lambda/coil packs/injectors/maf/etc and other small sensors such as water temp/knock and so forth.
    These I ran to the relays that I made earlier.

    I also wanted to be able to run the diagnostic port so I can bring it to work and one of the techs can scan it for me, to make sure all is ok.

    Updated wring loom again, now with canbus diagnostic port.
    As far as I could understand from the interweb – there is CAN high, CAN low, K line – then just power and neg.

    Another hour went buy and I also hooked up the o2 wiring.
    Unfortunately, the wiring for the o2 and MAF are not connected to the engine loom for some reason, so I had to trace these and hook them up separately to the ecu. I did this previously on the cabby, but only the o2 worked. The MAF had faults coming up – hopefully we have better luck this time.

    That pretty much ended Sunday.
    Come yesterday I thought myself, the loom is almost done, the only way to finish the rest of the sensors and such is to have the car running.
    So went about putting the loom in and finished off a few other small bits – and decided to try start it (I haven’t hooked up MAF at this stage, but doesn’t matter).
    Did the obligatory snapchat, otherwise…. Did it really happen?

    Tried to start it, but it wouldn’t crank. Wow, good work George.
    Friend came over and we found out I had put one of the starter wires the wrong way around.
    Got the jump starter hooked up



    If you have read this far, thanks for reading
    It's been a really fun project and am sure as hell happy that it actually runs haha.

    I put it in gear and it moved back and forth too. Super excited and have been smiling all morning.
    It will take another few weeks to finish everything completely, but wow what a milestone.
    3 long, cold and hard months with almost everyday work put into it - time to relax a bit!!
    Last edited by GeorgeMK1; 24-10-2017 at 09:51 AM.
    - Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
    - Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
    - Brown U.S import 81 cabby
    - 88 Honda crx b18cr

  5. #135
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  6. #136
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    How about a Youtube video once its on the road like to see an engine and body walk around and an on the road one as well .

  7. #137
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    Harold - the T25 van (1.8T content)Harold - the T25 van (1.8T content)Harold - the T25 van (1.8T content) such an emotional rollercoaster! On ya G!! Your a legend on my books matey..

    Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

  8. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiels3927 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by MarcusAurelius View Post
    Harold - the T25 van (1.8T content)Harold - the T25 van (1.8T content)Harold - the T25 van (1.8T content) such an emotional rollercoaster! On ya G!! Your a legend on my books matey...
    Thanks fellas
    Yeah it's been a rough couple of months haha, but will be worth it this summer, that's for sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    How about a Youtube video once its on the road like to see an engine and body walk around and an on the road one as well .
    Hey Sunny. Yep when its all tested and done, I'll make sure do one for you!
    - Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
    - Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
    - Brown U.S import 81 cabby
    - 88 Honda crx b18cr

  9. #139
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    Over the past few days I have been finishing off and testing the wiring.

    Never under estimate a good ground circuit! I made a bunch of these to connect engine to chassis, as well as alt to engine, and even one for started to gearbox.
    This particular one was for the fuel pump ground.

    Put in the wiring harness to test fitment. All lengths were good so gave them a temp wrap in tape just until I've run the car for a few weeks incase there are any bugs and I have to pull it out again.

    Ecu mounted

    Now really closing in on things to do. One of the few things left is the intake. Made a plastic plate to hold the MAF/air filter. Had to find a slim pod filter to fit into the space as it was pretty tight and not many filters would fit.
    (its very rough, just to see if it actually works).

    Behind the tail light, getting direct cold air feed from a side vent.

    Diagnostic port added, and tucks away neatly.

    Finally got the chance to measure just how much the engine stuck over the top. It turns out its only 1", so I measured and cut the engine lid. Will be making a small raised roof section to cover this.

    That is where I am up to now. The only thing stopping me from driving it, is finding a good route for the 8g power cable.
    Another thing is finishing the intake pipe and N75 valve. I've been searching all stores but non have a 90deg 2.75-3" reducer, only order in
    Either way, I'll try do a road test this afternoon and see how it all goes, exciting times
    - Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
    - Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
    - Brown U.S import 81 cabby
    - 88 Honda crx b18cr

  10. #140
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    Jun 2011

    Yeah George!

    Will be one of the coolest Van's around!

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