Originally Posted by
If I ever find the guy who invented cable ties I think I could be tempted to give him a big hug or maybe a kiss {no I'm not leaning towards the darkside either " As for your neighbour if you hear the sound of a chain saw starting up RUN like HELL . Keep up the updates loving it so far .
Hahaha if I hear a chainsaw I am running in the opposite direction. If the updates stop..... you know where to to look for me.

Originally Posted by
Bora Sport
I'm not sure what size pipes you are dealing with are but I recall the earlier Golfs used to have a coolant pipe that ran down low across the front of the engine (from the water pump?) that was about 1'' at one end and then tapered down to a narrower diameter. It might have been a heater hose off the top end of the cylinder head, I just can't recall. I think Falcons used to run a pipe like that as well that may be cheaper.
Do you know from what year or engine possibly? If only I had some spare time to go and play in my local wreckers and find the right sized pipe. I have friends in SCA/autobarn/repco etc so might go play in their back rooms to try and find the right size.
Anyhow, moving onto PART 2 of yesterdays update.
Got the rest of the intercooler parts needed from VPW. Wow....does it add up to a small fortune reaaaaaal quick.

Then got to work. Needed to trim the 2.25-2.5 elbow a tad to fit nicely. A tip for anyone doing this, use a clamp like this to get a perfectly straight cut.

Got some of the piping trimmed and started piecing it together. Like lego really.
Once I had it taped together, I passed it over to a welder friend who welded it together for me. Going to pick it up from him tonight and finish the install.

After that was sorted I needed to work out the throttle body section. The issue I have here is there is not much room in between the TB and the chassis. So I thought I could just chop a 90deg pipe in a pretty extreme angle, and use silicon joiner to hold it together.
Sort of like this

As you can see, I would still have to get another bit of alu pipe welded on to the end of that, just making it all the more complicated.
So I grabbed a spare 2.5 90deg silicone hose I had and trimmed the life out of it to test fit it on.
Heres how it came out.

It's a much better outcome I think? A lot easier to install too.
Just before I put it all together, I grabbed some pliers and gave the pipe a quick roll around just to make sure the pipes don't burst off (hard to imagine with 8pis hahahaha).

All finished 

Also needed to mount the catch can. I ran a catch can in the cabby before and it stopped quite a bit of oily crap from going back into the intake, so was very happy to have it installed again.
Made a little bracket to hold it, and on she goes!
Only issue is I'm struggling to find the correct hose to fit on. My local bunnings is closed for renovations and no other automotive hose is around the 21mm mark. But I'll keep searching.

Also just touching on yesterdays hose, I've fitted it all up nicely. Seams to hold very well - but time will tell.
- Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
- Golf mk1 Swallowtail rebuild, completely stripped
- Brown U.S import 81 cabby
- 88 Honda crx b18cr